According to John 1:1, Jesus is God. How do Jehovah's Witnesses rationalize that blatant statement of Jesus' deity?
Jesus Is God (John 1:1)
by JesusISJehovah 45 Replies latest watchtower bible
Brother Jesus
<P>They go off into a big load of BS talking about how the theos lacked a definite article and everything. But what they don't realize is that, like hundreds of other verses, they put in a word that is not supposed to be there.</P> <P> ;</P> <P>The litteral Greek translation of John 1:1 is "... and God was the Word."</P> <P> ;</P> <P> ;</P>
In the NWT,the last part is---->the word was "a god"..... opposed to..... the Word was God.
Whatever the is an irrelevancy. Know what I mean?
yeah, that is their rationalization, but because there was no greek literate translators on the comittee that CREATED the translation, they didn't realize that the greek was rendered "theos en ho logos", not "ho logos en theos".
it literally means "God was the word"
According to Colwell's Rule (Colwell was a greek scholar), this sentence DEMANDS translation with the definitite article "ho"
THE God was the Word
not: "A God was the Word"
If you look into a cleanly polished mirror and see the sun, gramatically you say you see the sun, when literally you see a "reflection of the sun". Even more technically, the rays of the sun have collided with the mirror and bounced onto the rods and cones of your inner eye which you call "seeing". In reality you have only experianced a portion of the reality of the reflection, as the heat in reflected light is ablsent compared to that of the direct light. As faithful as the representation is, it is still technically a secondary light, but gramatically and euphemistically called the "sun". Same thing with scripture when the Christ is equated with the Godhead. A true and reliable representation but not the same essence. Plenty of scripture to support the concept of manifestation (ie perfect representation) as well as complete subjugation of the Supreme Being.
Hello JesusISJehovah,
Your very screen name contradicts the Bible. The name Jehovah does not appear in the NT so to say Jesus is Jehovah is a misnomer.
In the NT Jesus is only referred to as God not Jehovah! They are not the same.
Well, I registered under the assumption that this site would be host to a membership of predominantly Jehovah's Witnesses, and therefore that my screenname would be significant to them. In reality, God Himself has no name that we humans can perceive, not that he needs one. "Jehovah" isn't even a hebrew name, it is a derivative of the verb "to be". I do believe that the person of Jesus in the New Testament is the "Jehovah", "Adonai", "God", "I am" etc. of the Old Testament.
Your analogy is flawed, mainly because all that you have managed to point out is that the verb "to see" has abstract connotations. The verb "to be" is always the most concrete, rational, tangible verb. The Word was God. There's not much room for interpretation there.
Edited by - JesusISJehovah on 30 December 2002 20:27:32
Sorry friend, but you are full of baloney.
You wrote:
I do believe that the person of Jesus in teh New Testament is the "Jehovah", "Adonai", "God", "I am" etc. of the Old Testament.
Then please, tell me why the name "Jehovah" or its equivalent were not preserved in the NT?
Why does the NT fail to identify Jesus as Jehovah himself? Jesus was not identified as Jehovah by his disciples, only as God; as Moses was "God" to Aaron. Jehovah himself did not preserve his name in the NT, which casts doubt on the authenticity and inerrancy of the NT.