We tried this, all active JW's should try this too.
Ask an elder, or a long-time 'spiritual' dubber, this one question. See where it takes you.
"Brother, has the generation of 1914 passed away?" Listen for the response. It's going to be interesting...
Best to do this in person, so you can watch the squirming.
At first, they will answer according to common sense. "Yes"... they will say, and then perhaps offer some attempt at qualification of their answer.
After they have answered, they will slowly realize the implications. (If your choice of JW meat was unusually leathery, you might have to chew a bit.) Give them a little nudge, as they may, after answering, have a sense that something ain't right but they are unable to nail it down. Give a little help.
Say, "cause if it did, then Jesus words that the generation wouldn't pass away failed".. now they see it!
This is where they change horses mid-stream. And anybody knows, if you do that ...you drown.
The brother will then come back with the opposite answer. "No!" he will say. "It hasn't"... Aha! an epiphany.
He will go on to tell you what he has 'just recently learned' about the overlapping generation.
Oh goodie. The water is boiling.
Then present the query, "is the generation in between also an overlapping generation?"... 'What do you mean?', he will ask. (never thought about it)
Then say, "Brother Franz was of the current governing body's grand-parent's generation... the generation of 1914 was their grand parent's, not parent's generation, so what of the generation in between? Is that another over lapper?
Oh oh. Problem. While he's pondering the stupidity of it all and he's thinking of the Hindenburg burning down, add this.
Brother, the Awake magazine used to say in the front page that it's purpose was to build faith that the generation of 1914 would NOT pass away ...and they have removed it. If they believe it has not -and will not- then why did they take it out? And not put it back?