Wish I had a cable connection to the CBC, I would definitely tune in. Whoever mentioned the CBC web-site, good idea. If nothing else, I will wait for Simon to rig up something. I WANT TO SEE THE PROGRAM!
As far as the interest of the general public, I think we may possibly be underestimating the impact of anything that relates to child abuse. It continues to be a hot issue. Probably more people than you think will tune in. And, dont forget the northern tier of states that have sizeable populations that get CBC as a part of their cable line-up as well as direct broadcasts in some areas. I know that in the Seattle area, a lot (if not all) of the cable companies carry CBC. I dont know, but I suspect that other major population centers like Detroit, Buffalo as well as sizeable areas of Minnesota, Michigan, and the northern parts of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine will be covered.
I enjoyed the comment about inoculating the general public. I have read that, on average, for any message to get through to peoples conscious awareness (that is, enough to cause them to take some sort of action) a given message must reach that individual about 9 times. The Catholic thing has received very wide coverage. Even here in Mexico people have made note of it. The pedophile issue is not new in catholic countries.
It is a good probability that the news about the WT and other churches will continue to receive a lot of coverage. A lot of people are approaching the 9 times mark. Its not just us.