Sometimes, a breeze is just a breeze.
Of course he is religious, a rational man wouldnt do it in the first place.
it was obvious he was a believer, he was talking to jesus the.
first 350 yards.
lol the last few yards he thank the discovery.
Sometimes, a breeze is just a breeze.
Of course he is religious, a rational man wouldnt do it in the first place.
i am not sure if anyone cares, but the drama with my mother and me leaving the org continues.. apparently after todays craptower she goes on a spastic rant that because of my decision i am slowly killing her and my father.
the funny thing is i do not feel bad over this... i can't.. i have children and a wife of my own that i need to be happy for.
i love them - but as they get older and closer to death i realize that a new season is coming and imust care for my family the best way i can... the same way they thought they were doing.
Notice how she never mentions what you are feeling.
In the first paragraph, she talks about herself & her husbands feelings only. The second paragraph is all about doing what she wants you to do. It is a control letter, nothing more.
She wants you to follow the rules she follows, but there is no genuine concern for you at all in this letter.
satanus, i though i did a double post on this same thread, sorry i tried to delete the wrong one!.
I should add, there may not be some universal, god-based good & evil. But we, as individuals, must identify good & evil in our lives to survive.
Peanuts are not universally good or evil. However, someone who is allergic to peanuts must recognize that they are evil to him, they can kill him. To another person peanuts are good and peanut butter is great.
satanus, i though i did a double post on this same thread, sorry i tried to delete the wrong one!.
There is good & evil.
Everyone has to judge good & bad in their daily lives or they will quickly die. To avoid recognizing what harms us simply isn't possible by a sane person. To say that food & poison are the same is nonsense.
The best definition I have read is, "that which is proper to the life of a rational being is the good; that which negates, opposes or destroys it is evil. The standard by which one judges what is good or evil - is man's life, or: that which is required for man's survival." - The Objectivist Ethics
Good & evil by religion's definition is insanity. I think most people avoid "judging" or deny good/evil to separate their actions from religion. That makes sense. But to deny the ability to recognize what helps or harms is the highest treason of self and society. Not to identify & condemn evil, is evil.
satanus, i though i did a double post on this same thread, sorry i tried to delete the wrong one!.
Why dont sharks live by proper christian morals?
Why do the "good and meek" bunnies get eaten by the "bad" wolves?
People live by make-believe, nonsense morals that oppose nature & biology... then they wonder why nature doesnt match their rules. Christian morality is counter-productive. It is designed to control people, not to support their well being or survival.
verily, thus saith the creator of all things of life and light which are good.
behold the time of tribulation draweth near and is soon at hand; i am in the sun, and the light of the sun and it shall soon darken in the day you perceive not.. .
let this be a sign unto the world that tribulation cometh quickly, the day which darkens soon cometh upon the world.
The prophecy I have given you
So this prophecy is from you personally, not God?
If the message was from God, wouldnt you say he had given it to us?
i have thought a lot about what to say when i am approached.
it will kill my fade, but oh well.. "after the new light i had to test my faith and i couldn't prove to myself that the slave was limited to the governing body.".
if cornered by an elder...."can you prove to me from the scriptures that matt.
"Realize that they are not right, mentally. Then treat them accordingly. Treat them like a mentally handicapped person who could fly into a rage and kill you if you touch their ears." DATA-DOG
This is good advice. Religious zealotry is a mental disorder & needs to be recognized and treated as one.
On a funny note: a friend of mine use to make bizarre, out-of-context statements when talking to the witnesses just for fun. He would say "I put the Spam in the bedroom" or "Oh yes, but thats only on left hand turns" during casual small talk. It never made any sense, but after awhile the witnesses assumed something was wrong with him & left him alone.
i have thought a lot about what to say when i am approached.
it will kill my fade, but oh well.. "after the new light i had to test my faith and i couldn't prove to myself that the slave was limited to the governing body.".
if cornered by an elder...."can you prove to me from the scriptures that matt.
I understand the desire to make your case to them, BUT DONT DO IT!!!
Whatever biblical argument you make, you will be seen as an apostate. Whatever emotion you show, you will be viewed as angry or troubled. Whatever personal reasons you give, you will be ignored and they will imagine a more JW-friendly explanation.
You are not dealing with healthy minds & you will NOT be understood or given fair consideration.
If you see a JW, just smile and keep walking. Say you are in a hurry & keep moving.
If you must talk to them be kind, positive, and generally upbeat and get away from them ASAP. Be vague about stress, depression, exhaustion, illness, or whatever you choose. BUT DONT SHOW ANY EMOTION, it will be used against you.
Dont worry about the contradiction in saying you are ill or depressed and acting positive & upbeat, they will not notice. They arent really paying any attention to you.
so it used to be that all dramas were ot.
period, that was it.. then they started incorporating a "modern day" application of the ot drama where actors in the present day reflected on the story.. then they started using some highly fictionalized nt characters in dramas (never jesus of course).
in the past few years we've been getting more "modern dramas", just about people in the present dealing with their "problems".
Yes, could give some detail. Im curious how they imagine the future.
But not so much detail that we feel we were there, no one wants that.
my niece is on fb.
she's a very creative and lovely person, but she's the only other family member i have who's a jw.
her mother got booted out for smoking, and her brother just seems to know it's a bunch of crap.. on fb, i posted a funny status update that went something like this: "my mother brought me up and hoped that i would grow into a career that would fulfill her dreams.
My response would have been along the lines of:
"I am sorry my joke hurt your feelings. However, you pray for my traumatic & painful death every day. This hurts my feelings also. My joke is very minor when compared to your wishing for my death. When you hope for the violent deaths of 7 billion men, women, & little children on a daily basis, you really shouldn't be so sensitive. Love, Uncle Ben."
Its a good thing I don't have a FB account.