Part 3: My mother continues to try to ruin me

by sosoconfused 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sosoconfused

    I am not sure if anyone cares, but the drama with my mother and me leaving the org continues.

    Apparently after todays craptower she goes on a spastic rant that because of my decision I am slowly killing her and my father. The funny thing is I do not feel bad over this... I can't.

    I have children and a wife of my own that I need to be happy for. I love them - but as they get older and closer to death I realize that a new season is coming and Imust care for my family the best way I can... the same way they thought they were doing. So for any of those who may be going through this or are wondering what to expect I continue to post this stuff. If you get tired of it - I will stop. See letter below:


    Hope you're feeling well. Just finished my WATCHTOWER for the meeting today. It really encouraged me. Especially in regard to you. I do hope that you study & meditate on it. There is much that lifted my spirits and I truly needed that. Since we talked a few days ago, there have been times that I literally got sick with concern....your Dad has too. Satan knows how to use the 3-D's to weaken us. Distraction, discouragement and depression. I thought at one time....."this is going to kill me". I'm not being dramatic by any means. My blood pressure, my glucose levels and my thyroid just did their own thing. I prayed to Jehovah to com to my aid and I keep on praying for you. Dad and I pray for you throughout every day. This has really adversely affected your father also. How it must pain Jehovah!!

    Please, please, study todays' WATCHTOWER. It's what you need to meditate on. Jehovah is speeding up our work & the devil is aware of it. He's doing all he can to pull away our shepherds, to discourage us. You are greatly needed, *********. Please stop allowing satan to pull you onto his path of rebelliousness. Pray to Jehovah to help you. Todays' study article can be a start. We so much need our shepherds, teachers and elders. You have so many wonderful capabilities when they are used for Jehovah. Don't hand those abilities over to satan! I worry about your children, *****......what's going to happen to them. Please ****. Go to Jehovah. Seek spiritual assistance. Come back to *************** ****** if necessary!

    Always know that I love you,

  • whathappened

    Oh boy! Your poor little momma. I understand how she feels, I could have written this letter several years back.

    Well, go ahead and look over the study article and find some nonsense in there and call them out on it.

    Tell her that you love her and that she should not worry. It is a shame she won't listen about ttatt. If only!

  • Mum

    sosoconfused: Your mom is a master manipulator, or so it seems. Dr. Wayne Dyer talks about parents like this in his first book, Your Erroneous Zones. Reading that book was very liberating for me in that it dealt with how to overcome, or at least contain, negative emotions. Dr. Dyer talks about how little it matters whether or not your mother loves you, as you are the same worthwhile person whether or not she does, which is really what matters. He says that if you have to worry, give yourself 10 minutes each morning and 10 minutes each evening, and give in to the worry, then drop it and go on with your real life.

    Your mom thinks she is "helping" you. If you need to do something to calm her, go ahead and do it, but understand that the world won't end because of her anxieties.

    Best wishes in coping with this situation.

  • Sapphy

    Today's watchtower is, no joke, all about meditating on the benefits of the organisation and how we shouldnt be distracted by normailty.

    I feel for your Mom, lost in a cult. I feel more for you though.

    Stay strong.

  • Mum

    Another point from Dr. Dyer: You are not responsible for your mother's feelings. She chooses to feel the way she does because of what she tells herself about you, attaching significance to things that are simply matters of personal choice. You should not take it upon yourself to feel responsible for her neurosis. Her neurotic thinking comes from being a slave to what the GB tells her. She has the power to free herself, but the brainwashing has taken. Saying or doing what you can to help her feel better is fine, but do not accept responsibility for her feelings.

  • This_suit_doesnt_fit

    Notice how she never mentions what you are feeling.

    In the first paragraph, she talks about herself & her husbands feelings only. The second paragraph is all about doing what she wants you to do. It is a control letter, nothing more.

    She wants you to follow the rules she follows, but there is no genuine concern for you at all in this letter.

  • carla

    this is going to kill me". I'm not being dramatic by any means. --emotional blackmail, have you suggested she get help?

  • LisaRose

    This is emotional blackmail. She is basically saying you are killing her. Well, if her faith is so strong she should be able to deal with it. I guess you are supposed to be a dub even though you don't believe it's the truth, just for her well being. Just tell her that your conscience will not allow to be in a false religion. Tell her that she raised you to stand up to falsehoods, and to set a good example for your wife and family, so that is just what you are doing.

    Dubs are so blind to any other viewpoint, they don't understand that other people may be sincerely looking to worship God in spirit and truth, but not find it in the Watchtower. Does she really want you go against what you know to be right, just to spare her heartburn?

  • wasblind

    From Mother to Son

    Son, dey say issa underground railroad leadin' folks' away from da massa's place

    led by da devil hissef

    Da devil knows how t' make us weak. It huts da massa so bad

    It juz' breaks his po hawrt

    Pleaze stop lettin' da Devil pull you 'way from da plantation

    I knowz ya git restless son, it beez thata way sometime

    but ya gotta do like da massa say

    And " Wait on the kingdom " fo yo freedom

    We needz da ova seeya's sent by da massa, dey makez

    sho we doin' right out in da field service

    Don't ya like da field service son ? Don't ya miss it ?

    Come on son, come on back t' da massa, and wait 'til da kingdom come

    Soso, Your mom, has no Idea that the WTS follows in the steps

    of the ol' southern slave masters of the south

    Please take the time to read a thread I posted bout a year ago called

    Slavery under the guise of a religion

    It's points out exactly who the WTS follows, and it's not God


  • sosoconfused

    Thanks for all the responses guys. Mum, most of your thoughts are exactly what I am holding on to. I can live my life for someone else - or feel responsible for anothers outcome unless I pull a trigger and put a bullet in their skull. This is just me seeing how dangerous that religion can be to otherwise intelligent people.

    My main reasons for putting this here is because I know there are many here like me who are generations into this religion and have parents that are insane like mine. I hope it also helps them or atleast prepares them for what lies ahead

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