Will Smith.
i've thought about this, the problem is there are so many wonderful choice's, i don't know where to start!
i always had a thing for tiffany, the singer, when i was younger!
Will Smith.
i am new to posting here and thought i would get the ball rolling with .
a new thread.
lamentations 4:6 says the following (nwt):.
actually Beryl that does make sense---think about it:
Where are the mortals who came in to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may get acquainted with them."Sorry, but why then did Lot offer his daughters to the mob? Chances are the mob were already "acquainted" with them.
if they did not know whether or not the strangers were men or women it is possible they were asking to know the answer in order to use them for female virgin sacrifice....after all Lot had two dughters---maybe they thought these were female visitors from another city, friends of his daughters(after all they were already engaged and they could have been wedding guests arriving...). It would make sense in a sick sort of way for them to use non citizens for the sacrifices---haven't you seen the movies where white explorers stumble into the jungle cooking pot? And as far as fornication is concerned....that word can mean the sacrificial rites as well as sex for sexual reasons---most virgin sacrifices involved some kind of symbolic rape, that is how a virgin was 'sacrificed'. And how many times is spiritual infidelity described as spiritual fornication? So I can see the explanation od Sodom and Gormorrah's sins being of idol worship and extreme inhospitality(by using unsuspecting visitors as sexual sacrifices) as a very logical explanation.
jehovah's witnesses.
the organisation.
i love 'em both still.
I have to disagree with the 'temperate voice of reason' group--- not that I agree with insults and hatred at all. BUT this IS a discussion board that is ANTI-JW and if you like JWs and believe what they say --then why are you here? And even more than that--why post it here? If you do not want a DISCUSSION(as in DISCUSSION BOARD?) then don't start a thread about something you know 99.9% of the people here disagree with. If Scoob was truly secure in his like of the JWs and their doctrines--he would not be here, and he especially would not post his displeasure at some of the things about JWs, as it has been said before-with the Birg there is a zero tolerance for any complaints against it. So obviously Scoob has doubts. And that is what this board is about-providing information to help those with doubts solidify those doubts and get strong enough to leave. It is inappropriate to come in here and post romanticized views of JWs that have no basis in reality when we are all trying to grasp reality. If it was anyone but Scoob they would be considered a troll...but we know where Scoob is in his journey.
i'm going to be a man of few words here.
christianity, in it's truest, fundamentalist form, promotes an unhealthy and non-productive victim mentality.
the christian feels helpless on his own -- condemned by sin and absolutely unworthy.
but what if your grandchild came to you accused of murder and they didn't do it? What if the parents did, what if it was not murder but suicide? And that grandchild was sentenced to die because of their parents suicide--by your own laws? Personally, I would change the laws, not condemn the child or kill another child in its place or kill myself in its place.
and as far as living in a world with 'true bible christians' or non-christians---I would choose the non-christians in a heartbeat. I spent three years in TN with 'true bible christians' and they were the cruelest bunch of fanatics I ever met. If you were to take christianity out of the equation from its beginning we would not be in any of the wars or conflicts we are in today(granted we might be in others---but they would not be any worse than these ones--and isn't christianity supposed to be better than that? all about love and peace?) I have not seen anything good as global force come from christianity in over 2000 years of recorded history---maybe as individuals, but not as a group. It appears to me to be a failed experiment.
The problem is not with the bible or christianity per se, it is with christians who believe it is their mission from god to convert everyone to christianity. It is the sheer arrogance and egotism that says they have the ONLY truth and there is no way but the christian way. There is nothing different from that and islam or judaism.
my mother had ovarian cancer, her mother died of breast cancer, one of my father's sisters had colon cancer.
i had bleeding every two weeks for about a year myself, and now i have abdominal swelling and kidney pain, difficulty urinating(been blaming the lupus--but none of the tests are showing anything wrong!
) i look like i am pregnant the swelling is so bad.. i am having this test done next thursday.
the arbitration was put off until next wednesday.
I am about ready to go to bed, but today is my doctor's appointment and the test for cancer. so please keep me in your thoughts today. I wiol probably come in to check later on tonight, but I won't know anything until probably next week on the test.
thank you for all your kind support.
are you the type of person to take all kinds of vitamines and supplements every day just incase you might be missing something in your system.
although i know many people who do, i never did take any.
i believe that eating well is all you need.
I use herbs and extracts. most hard tablets and pills are formulated to hold up in the bottle for shipping and pass thru your system undissolved. So it is the same as throwing them in the toilet. Also most multivitamins are synthetic or lab manufactured separately and then combined...whereas naturally occuring vitamins and minerals are balanced and complimentary together in the same place they were grown. I don't use natural substances in an allopathic way. Why not just take a prescription chemical drug if all you are treating is symptoms? I use homeopathic cures when appropriate. But nothing is a forever regimen. Our nutritional needs change as our diet changes---atleast 4 times a year. I don't think you can get all the nutrition you need form food nowadays, and I believe there is a need for acute care when you are sick. But I am not a pill popper.
in my life i have noticed that there are some people who's lives seem to be filled with nothing but misery.
constantly loosing low skill low pay jobs, one after another
frequent run-ins with the law
the only health problem I ever had to deal with (so far) was the Lupus and its tributaries. The only hardship I had to deal with was being a JW. And the only family dysfunction was a schizo father who was a JW. I am a fairly happy and positive person. But I married a wonderful man who was taught from childhood not to trust anyone but his loser family. I swear he would have been better off being raised by wolves. And since we have been married "our" credit has gone downhill to critical and he has one traffic ticket after another and one job after another and it is all because he was born unlucky--has nothing to do with him! He is so locked into that mindset that it becomes an ego struggle for me to make things better for us. I want to buy him a book on Life 101. He just does not have a clue and he does not realize how lucky he really is---because if it all depended on his skill level he would be in jail right now. I love him dearly, but he has literally cost me thousands of dollars and wasted years of life.
He is just now realizing it. And regretting it. But he still feels powerless and helpless to change. How do you teach a 37 year old man what you learned at age 8? I can't even remember some of the stuff he does not know... and I don't want to destroy his pride and manhood.
I am open to suggestions. But yes I do believe some people are unlucky and some people THINK they are.
i'm going to be a man of few words here.
christianity, in it's truest, fundamentalist form, promotes an unhealthy and non-productive victim mentality.
the christian feels helpless on his own -- condemned by sin and absolutely unworthy.
borg--ok. I live with whacked out fundies and it is easy to 'hear' the words written on here in their voices. They say the same things--maybe the tone of voice is different.
KGB--you know I try to be nice to you. But most of the time I just find you rather insulting. I guess I will just not respond to you anymore. You seem very moody to me and I never know when you are going to go off. But when you are in a good mood--you can be a very pleasant guy. You misjudge me everytime I say something that you don't agree with and then you insult me by imputing wrong motives. I get tired of explaining myself to you. But one thing I can tell you--I am as far away from the JW mentality as anyone can get. You contradict yourself--literalists do not read between the lines----so I can't be like JWs AND read between the lines!
Anyway, the only people who have ever hurt me in my life were Christian. And every time I try to give them another chance they blow it again. I don't have the time or the ambition left to keep trying. I am getting to the point where I consider Christianity the biggest plague ever to come upon mankind.
i'm going to be a man of few words here.
christianity, in it's truest, fundamentalist form, promotes an unhealthy and non-productive victim mentality.
the christian feels helpless on his own -- condemned by sin and absolutely unworthy.
Bradley said:
PS -- I am not dispariging some of the great thoughts Jesus and his followers taught. Nor am I saying there is no benefit in Christianity whatsoever.
this is what irritates me most about christians. they don't hear a word anyone says but what they want to hear. Borgfree are you one of those snake-kissing charismatic fundys? Logansrun was talking about fundys! Why must christians take such vehement personal offense when they are criticized or challenged on the basis of belief? THAT is the very thing that keeps me from being christian. And fundys are giving you all a bad name! can't you see the whackos in your ranks?
Personally if you are going to take that kind of offense at what Logansrun had to say, then maybe I am wrong, maybe the shoe does fit. sheesh.
i'm going to be a man of few words here.
christianity, in it's truest, fundamentalist form, promotes an unhealthy and non-productive victim mentality.
the christian feels helpless on his own -- condemned by sin and absolutely unworthy.
KGB--I dont think of you as a fundy. and I dont think you do either. he is talking about those in-your-face-go-to-hell-snake-kissing types. If anything KGB you are naive and you dont see those dangerous ones hiding behind the skirts of brotherly love. that is not a bad thing. I really dont think Bradley meant it as a personal insult to you. I feel exactly the same as bradley about it---but I spent 3 long horrible years right in the middle of those charismatic whackos in Tennessee.