Why exactly have you labeled Bush as a warmonger???? Because of this ONE situation?
there are people that can only function in conflict.
they do thier best work when there is chaos.
some of these leaders accomplish great things for thier nations, some only bring despair.
i am a full blooded italian.
actually, i'm sicilian.
to boot, i was born and raised in new jersey.
some people seem to be confused as to whether or not somewhere and elsewhere are the same places.
i can understand the confusion.
they are both from the 13th century or before they both refer to a place they are both "in" a place they both can be "to" a place they are similar in pronunciation
many of us pioneered.
some here pioneered as "vacation", "temporary", "auxillary", "regular" or even "special" roles.
nearly everyone was expected to pioneer, if you were to stay in the good graces of the congregation.
onacruse and bikerchic.
a true love story still in the making.. .
cheryl, songmistress.
is it just me, or is it very difficult to be a single ex?
there are questions boyfriends ask about my family, why i dont have contact with them, and what did i do to gain their utter disfavor?
why do i put up with what men tell me to believe?
yah right!!!!!!!!!
lol .
i just noticed that today 3 people are leaving the board.
first, i'd like to thank everyone here that has befriended me for your kindness and support.
having you to talk to after leaving the org made the shunning of everyone i ever knew and family much more bearable.
i initially came here for emotional support due to shunning and also to have questions regarding doctrine answered, which has been accomplished.
we've been talking about this lately on this board... this is yet another article from msn.com.. http://slate.msn.com/id/2077874/.
"much of the french opposition to american power arose after the fall of the soviet union made the united states the only power in a unipolar world: according to one poll, the percentage of the french who viewed the united states "with sympathy" dropped from 54 to 35 percent between 1988 and 1996. but french grumbling over u.s. power predates the end of the cold war, too.
as philip h. gordon outlined in the national interest in 2000 (during the clinton administration), "resentment and frustration" have marked french-american relations since the end of world war ii.