JoinedTopics Started by liquidsky
You don't have any rights here.
by yesidid inyou don't have any rights here.
you cannot do as you see fit - simon can.
you are just a poster on a free web site and simon is your host.
My wife's mind is controlled by the WitchTower !
by Number1Anarchist inok this is absolutley frustrating!.
my wife's logic is beyond comprehension!
all she does is repeat the society logic bullshit!
found a piece of glass
by lilyflor inin my ice cream - what should i do?.
i called the store where i bought it to suggest they might want to take the offending product of the shelf - but they sounded like they could care less.. i called the company, nestle, today and they will be sending someone over to pick up the 2 pieces of glass and investigate.. 2 of my 3 kids ate from this ice cream, but my mom is the one who found the piece, she actually chewed it and it got caught in her tooth, i think she thought it was .
one of the pieces of smarties and was biting down on it.. should i follow up with them?
What new fruits/veggies/foods have you tried? We tried Pepino Melon...yum!
by FreedomFrog ineach shopping trip, i get one new veggie/fruit or new dish and we (me and the kids) will taste test things.
we've found many things we've liked doing this.
tonight we just tried a pepino melon and it was very good.
Most Haunting Voices in Music
by stillajwexelder inok - so after a few threads in the last few days i started listening to some of my old music.
some artists just have voices that are hauntingly beautiful and stick with you forever.
for me - the top three are.
Heavy Metal monk Capuchin Friar Cesare Bonizzi!! RAWK ON!!!!
by Lady Zombie inplease tell me there are some other metal fans in here besides me!
some of you mentioned receiving flack from the elders because you listen to rap, but surely there has got to be some other rock n' roll and metal fans in here.
i still remember the flack i got for listening to 80's music, classic rock n' roll (loved jethro tull, doors, pink floyd, and so on), and worst of all.....heavy metal!
Do you get upset when people don't believe that same way you do?
by loosie inis it a normal reaction to get mad when you talk to someone who doesn't believe that way you do?.
the reason i ask is that i don't believe in the most common christianity.
when i come across a person and they ask how i feel about something and i tell them how i feel.
Gas to hit 7 dollars per gallon
by 1914BS ingas to hit $7 a gallonby marty jeromeapril 29, 2008 | 2:00:00 pmcategories: alt fuel, business, finance, fuel economy, policy, post-petroleum.
both qatar's oil minister and the head of opec can see oil hitting $200 a barrel before the end of the year and one analyst says gas could reach $7 a gallon within four years.
but this seems to explain part of what's happening with the price of oil.
Did you have the bookstudy at your house?
by karter inwe did for many years it was great becouse we had small children.
however you are expected to have a supper now and then after having food droped then ground into the carpet a few times i called it quites on the suppers although i'd invite some for beers after.
one bookstdy conducter announced there was going to be a supper next bookstudy so i announced no there wasen't he spoke to me after something about unwritten rules i said '' the phraseas call it oral trditions"