I'm not the perfect friend or most loyal, but I am Jehovah's friend!!!!!!!
Plus to my understanding his son Jesus is his greatest friend!!!!!!!!!!
really.... i looked him up on facebook:.
I'm not the perfect friend or most loyal, but I am Jehovah's friend!!!!!!!
Plus to my understanding his son Jesus is his greatest friend!!!!!!!!!!
the tribulation is really starting to speed up it's pace.
i just read that atleast 3 types of animal and plant life go extinct every hour.
global warming threatens the entire planet, crimes against women and children are at a all time high, honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons, the threat of nuclear war, the ravage of infectious disease.
The tribulation is really starting to speed up it's pace. I just read that atleast 3 types of animal and plant life go extinct every hour. Global warming threatens the entire planet, crimes against women and children are at a all time high, honeybees dying off for unexplained reasons, the threat of nuclear war, the ravage of infectious disease. For all those who do not believe, they can read about these things and weep! If evolution is how we got here, then mankind is going into total annihilation and extinction. If evolution is false, then the only thing that can save mankind from himself is Jehovah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you think?
okay, before you say straight "no!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!1111111111111111" let us rethink.
lets say jehovas witnesses actually have the truth.
I feel that the organization is here to do God's will. I do not believe that everything they say is correct or from God. We all have our flaws. Just like the first organization Ancient Israel, they killed the Messiah. They were entrusted with the Holy writings and they had a personal relationship with God. They still sinned and lost favor with God. So I believe this organization is directed by God, but everyone that calls himself a brother isn't really a brother.
did you know the wts never announced that the devil was cast down until 1925!!
look at this now will ya.
quote from the book "babylon the great has fallen -god's kingdom rules".
The WTS did not have to make an annoucement of this event. Jesus had already given them and the world the sign of his presence. Only a ignorant person would conclude that these aren't the last days. Read the scriptures
since the wt is "famous" for having a "ready answer" to every scripture that proves them wrong, what is the "official wt teaching" on 1 cor.
"14 therefore, my beloved ones, flee from idolatry.
15 i speak as to men with discernment; judge for yourselves what i say.
Well to sum it all up! If you read Revelations 21:10-27 you will see that Heavenly Jerusalem is a spiritual temple made up of chosen 144000 anointed from the earth. The Apostles are the foundation of that temple and Jehovah, Jesus is the light of the temple. People who have not been called are unworthy to drink and eat the loaf at the memorial. My hang up on this whole thing is why do people feel they have a right to a position if not chosen. Jehovah chose the High priest, priest, kings, prophets for the Ancient Nation of Israel, why do people feel that he has changed today is beyond my reasoning.
in jw land,...how do they deal with the below verses?.
if christ (according to jw's, not me) returned invisibly in 1914,...then who do they say the "man of lawlessness is who proclaims to be god"?
....because the verses say that christ's return will not happen until this "man of lawlessness" is revealed and will perform deceptive signs and miracles.
The man of Lawlessness is the mainstream clergy. For years they have claimed to be apart of God's heavenly temple. They even go as far as telling people that they know God! Manipulating politics, business and the governments. They teach that all people are chosen to go to heaven an be apart of Jehovah's temple, but they are misleading people by the millions. They set up fake healings and focus their ministry on gaining riches as being Jehovah's blessing. When Jesus began ruling around 1914 and the devil was cast out of Heaven, this is the time period when christendom started becoming the most powerful religion on earth.
true story: a guy i know left the "truth" after decades of deep involvement and his immediate family .
his mom ( witness who lost all grandkids to the "world")died.
at the funeral, an elder's.
My sympathy goes out to that family! I just wanted to let then know that Jehovah isn't to blame for a lot of these negative comments and actions of some of the JW's in the org. I feel that some become so self righteous that they start to judging their brothers as if they had the right to do so. From what the scriptures say about God and his son Jesus, they would not have treated that family in that way.
I believe that God is going to give everyone a chance to prove their love for him, not just those who are worshiping him now, but those who will worship him in the future. Ancient Israel had it wrong about God and the Messiah, so some of the brothers and sisters in the org have it wrong too!
a little bird told me that some members of the governing body are unhappy with the shunning policy and want it changed (presumably due to the bad press from sites like these).
apparently they were overruled.
is this yet another policy that will start to be diluted and eventually dropped altogether or what and can anyone back up the rumour?
I think that it should be changed!
Due to the fact that some of the elders have misused this priviledge. I have read some post that made really good sense regarding the shunning policy being improperly handled.
Some of those fellow christians who were shunned could've possibly been honest hearted ones who were slighted because of some jealousy or misunderstanding. Only Jehovah and Jesus have the right to judge!
the jw's will say that in jesus time, it was ok to have a beard because it was their custom back then, and today jw's should not have a beard because it's not our custom to have one today.. since the world is ever changing, it will continue changing, and beards might come back and be popular once more.. it's only a cheap excuse on their part, because they will never accept beards, even if every man wore one today..
Personally it seems to me that the organization has taken on some of the traits of Ancient Israel. These same traits caused Israel to impale Jesus and persecute his brothers. If a person eats a meal with unclean hands this person has not sinned, because what goes into the mouth does not bring forth death, but what comes out of the mouth can. So how can they put rules out there that bare no scriptural weight such as shaving of the beard, which is a natural male growth process. That's crazy!
much is made of john 1:1 in trinitarian discussions and there's a lot of debate over how it should be correctly translated, depending on your particular bias on the jesus god issue, but surely there is no scripture more clear that jesus is god than the one where thomas directly calls him god in john 20:28?
27next he said to thomas: put your finger here, and see my hands, and take your hand and stick it into my side, and stop being unbelieving but become believing.28in answer thomas said to him: my lord and my god!
how do jehovah's witnesses deal with this scripture?
OH MY LORD!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!
You actually believe that Jesus is the Almighty God!
I think Thomas expression went something like that!