Hello Littletoe,
I wanted to make a reply to your last comment. You stated that if Jesus used God's trumpet then that would consider him God. That's not true. First we need to acknowledge what God's trumpet is!
Trumpets were used for gathering the people together in Ancient Israel for battle, meetings and so on.
The Archangels voice and the Trumpet of God is used to call the dead back to life. This verse points to Jesus as being the Archangel Michael, because only Jesus has the God given authority to call the dead back to life. No other angel in Heaven was given that priviledge. Also there are no other names of angels in the bible with that title (Archangel)
By Jesus having God's Trumpet this symbolized that Jesus not only had the highest status as the Archangel of God, but he also was given the Trumpet or authority to call the dead with God like authority.
So this verse states that Jesus had both the authority of an Archangel and the authority of Almighty God.
So this also qualifies Jesus as being made higher than the angels, because he was the first creation of God, the first of the angels, the first of mankind to be raised from the dead in God's new convenant, the first to have descended from Heaven and re-entered Heaven.