My take on the entire thing is the WTS will never be able to accurrately count the number of anointed. When David tried to count the number of Israelites in a census, Jehovah punished David and the Israelites. I feel that once this doctrine was released about the Heavenly calling for those chosen, the WTS should have never instituted a count of the anointed. They opened a can of worms that cannot be closed now. Also I am familiar with the Heavenly calling, I know that Jehovah does the choosing and it's more than just a feeling. Jehovah gives them a sample or token of what is to come for them. That token lets them know that they are in the Heavenly fold. When they read or hear the Apostle Paul's words regarding their adoption, they feel a burning within their hearts. They no longer fit into the spectrum of earthly society. They know that Jehovah is their Father!!!! So when they are in trouble, they call out to their Father!!!!!!!!!
But to deny the white tree that is in the middle of the garden is ignorance. The honey and nectaur that funnels from this tree is undeniably satisfying. The worker bees work day and night going back and forth from the tree filling the entire airway with a buzzing noise tickling the ears of their listeners, but never causing harm to anyone or anything. The woman who cares for the tree has her hands out and they are filled with honey. She ask those who are worthy to partake to come an eat to satisfaction, because this is the best honey you will ever taste.