After the events of 1975, a large section of Watchtower believers break away to the Dawn Bible Student movement, turning a once moribound religion into a major church claiming 250K members in the USA.
The New JW Dawn Bible Students learned from the mistakes of their former church and decide to disavow prophecy. However, a schizm forms between the new surge of members and the old guard when the new members clamor for their positions in their previous church. A few resent their rebaptisms and a schizm is about to form. "Jehovah's Bible Students" form in Southern California. However, the schizm is quickly healed when the DBS movement annonces a new chairman, Raymond Franz. He heals the schizm between the XJWs and the longtime dawnians and accept all baptisms from non-trinitarian churches.
A religious civil war ensues between the JWs and the DBS. The XJW Dawn Bible students manage to leak a few JW secrets to the media, while the JW movement plays defense and resorts to using lies and espionage on the Dawn Bible Student church. The Dawn Bible Students sue the JW church. The Bad publicity sends the JW religion into a freefall in membership. The JW membership is left with about 500K in the USA alone and 2M worldwide while the Dawn Bible Students have a membership level of about 300K in the USA and 900K worldwide. The Dawn Bible Students become one of the first churches to embrace the internet in the early 1990s, increasing their evangelical reaches further, increasing membership. The Dawn Bible Student Movement then starts making a play for disaffected Christadelphians and members of other cult-like churches, preaching a message of spiritual individualism.
The Watchtower starts dwindling in ranks and fizzles away by 2030.