Bravo, Scully!
JoinedPosts by ColdRedRain
JWs target retirement homes
by Scully inin a recent post ( new directives to congregations by the wts included: it also suggests that the owners of all local old folks homes be contacted to provide a "free weekly bible discussion" to all elderly who want to attend in the home.
this is to be a planned weekly event to increase the number of studys pioneers hold and "provide a valuable service to the community" the society expect to see bible studies go up by 25% this year.. .
well, it is nice for us to get this heads up from the brothers?, isn't it?
You Might Be An Apostate if..........( pure fluffy fun) : )
by LyinEyes inyou might be an apostate find your forsaken bookbag , covered with mold,,and the issues of the wt dating back to 1975,,,,,and the end didn't come.. you might be an apostate have a wiener roast and use the bound volumns to start a bon fire in the front yard for all the elders driving by to see.
sumpin,,,,,,,,along those lines........i am sure ya'll can come up with some things better than this .
but , ya get the idea.
You might be an apostate if you don't think your studying of a group of books written at a 4th grade reading level could stand up against crticism coming from men that have doctorates in cosmology, astronomy, chemistry, archeology, ancient jewish history, Hebrew language, ancient Greek, and physics.
"After being disfellowshipped for showing the local congregation elders the UN documents, local JW's throw buckets of urine on the Pioneer School graduates."
Racism In The Organization
by Hunyadi inon the surface, racism is not suppose to exist in the org.
i have a different experience .
.. i use to work for a brother who was also a general contractor.
2 years ago, I was talking to a ladyfriend of mine when suddenly, a
guy that I wouldn't even stand next to at a bus stopwhite brother from Navar, MN abuisnessman from Brooklynbrother from Bethel grabbed me and told me "I don't want a guy like you talking to my daughter." I happen to be of African decent.You add 2+2 together to see what he meant.
Ralph Nader Running?
by patio34 in.
why does ralph nader want to give another term to president bush (what other reason can he have for running and dividing the voters as he may have done in 2000)?
i just don't understand.
Hey, we're becoming more conservative in Minnesota! We have a Republican governer, a one of our senators is a Republican (Although he's sort of a RiNO.) and until recently, we had a Twin Cities Mayor that was a Republican (Even though he left office to become our junior Senator)
Four-Winged Dinosaurs Found in China
by Pleasuredome in
is this more proof that birds may have evloved from dinosaurs?
interesting find nonetheless.
Shhhhh..... don't tell Kent Hovind!
Bush Bash, Anti-gay marrige.
by SC_Guy in.
i think bush is trying to screw this country one more time before he's voted out of office....
However, I really seriously don't believe that refusing to prevent two people from marrying is giving them a license to sue anyone who refuses to bless their marriage.
Yes it does. If a church decides not to marry a gay couple, it would go against the law, and the gay couple can legally sue.
And I do believe that amending the constitution in this way would lessen the moral authority of that document.
Agreed. The constitution should only be amended for new situations that call for new rights for a new group of people.
The latest news seems to make clear that Bush came out in favor of the amendment to nail down the right (who was nervous about deficits, service records, and the economy), while NOT working at all to get it through Congress. One unnamed Republican senator "with ties to the religious conservative movement" *cough* McCain *cough* told the Washington Post's Milbank: This is "the last place Bush wanted to be. He should be coasting on being the war president and deliverer of tax cuts; instead, he has to take a divisive role on a contentious social issue that could undercut him as a compassionate conservative."
Bush Bash, Anti-gay marrige.
by SC_Guy in.
i think bush is trying to screw this country one more time before he's voted out of office....
When fascists like Bush denies rights to gays,
Again, how are their rights being abridged? They're simply not able to get church-sanctioned weddings because churches would be forced to abridge their first amendment. They're allowed court-sanctioned weddings. That's not a right that's being refused, that's rather preventing a clash between militant gay-rights orgs and militant Christians (Who have the absolute right to say if a certian sex act is right or wrong in their church.)
it willl be ok to most people, because they aren't gay, themselves.
It's ok to them because they don't want to be told to accept gay people being married in their church by law.
And when their neighbors get arrested but are never given a trial because they are immigrants from a muslim country,
Ummmm... do you realise that we're at war with militant Islam and we have to do any damn thing to protect ourselves? Not to mention that our enemy has sleeper cells that masquerade as innocent Muslim immigrants. Giving them a trial would mean that classified information would have to be leaked out to the media.
And when the fascists take away a woman's right to decide what happens to her body, that will be ok, because they've never had to face that issue
Did anybody ask the baby who's body it is, not to mention that the practices you're referring to are probably the most barbaric ways to abort a baby?
And when Preemptive Defensive Invasion becomes a normal idea, that is ok, because the television tells us its making us safer.
Hey, Clinton thought of the same idea too, when Iraq wouldn't reveal it's WMD's to the USA.
And when our tax dollars go to churches for some vague "Faith Based Initiative" that will be ok, because they at least we get a tax break this year.
They already do. Haven't you heard of "Catholic Charities", "Alcoholics Anon" and "The Salvation Army?" When I was homeless for one day, I was sent to a charity house ran by a church, using government money (State of MN paid for it.). So what you're saying is that the government can't give money to help homeless people get benefits from charities...
How "Liberal" of you.
Ralph Nader Running?
by patio34 in.
why does ralph nader want to give another term to president bush (what other reason can he have for running and dividing the voters as he may have done in 2000)?
i just don't understand.
Vote Democrat - the party for fiscal responsibility and national security.
Ummm, aren't these the same guys that let the WTC93 terrorists go and opposed the Bush tax cuts?
Anyways, I live right in the middle of Nader country and I know that Nader's electorate wouldn't have voted for Gore-tex. Why? They don't normally vote. Nader may have had some pull from Gore, but it was minimal at best. Democrats and Greens attract 2 different bases, the former being a party that's mainly populated by urban and rual socially conservative-fiscally liberal people and the latter being run by fiscally and socially liberal people.
Bush Bash, Anti-gay marrige.
by SC_Guy in.
i think bush is trying to screw this country one more time before he's voted out of office....
Billy Joe, Bobbi Sue, Betty Jean, and everyone else with two first names; People who drive a pickup truck with a confederate flag or an "I eat roadkill" bumper sticker; Those that believe that passing the 6th grade in school means you've received an education.
I want to know, what's so different about your stereotypes of Conservatives and the right's stereotypes of gays?