Just remember that we may share some of the same emotions. But, they may or may not be for the same reasons. For me the only good thing to come "out" of the Jehovah Witnesses is my wife. Whom I love very much. For me there is nothing "in" that society. There has never been a "good" like there was for so many. I rejected the love bombing because I knew what is was. When my son came of age I put a stop to it. And that is why shit it the fan for me. I do not miss my JW family at all. Being here encouraged me to do more research on the mindset of the average Jehovah Witness. And I call it mind control. If you accept everything that the WT says then they control you. If you choose to only look selectivly for information that supports the ideology that you want to believe then you will always be satified. Even if it defies all logic and reality itself.
My issue with balancing the JW/Silentlambs issue was not that it is or is not worthy. It is, "should I be doing more for all the children of horrible crime as well?" And if so what does that mean? My point is I do not wish to become obsessed with the jwishness it. I don't wish to hate JW's. But, Damit they make it hard to not do that!
Another thing to remember is that Silentlambs is also fighting for active Jehovah Witnesses too. Please don't forget that. Dispite the outright hate and hostility shown towards the supporters of Silentlambs by so many of the Jehovah Witnesses, it is them too that they are fighting for. What is perfect is that the desire is to be inclusive and not exclusive. And that is a blessed thing.
Last, the "not talking as much to people"...I'm feeling rather weathered mostly. It's my problem and I'll deal with it. I still stand 100% for the flag of Silentlambs and what it is for and whom that it serves.(lambs)
Thanks for your posts Gamaliel, I hope that we talk more.