I continue to read how Franz is to blame for every wrong because, after all, he was on the Governing Body and he HAD to know everything that went on. Some here say, "Let's drop this issue". These same ones continue to bring it up. So let's blame him for everything imaginable. Let's get it out of your system. Go for it. Then after we're done bashing him, we can go to the next guy.
Let's Blame Ray Franz For Everything!!!
by minimus 77 Replies latest jw friends
The idea that you know everything, just because you're on the Governing Body
is nonsense. It's little different from being an elder - in which, if you're
not part of the inner circle, you know very little, indeed.There has been enough personal testimony on this board that some GB members
aren't even 'up' on the latest Watchtower or changes in doctrine.
This is a very secretive, Byzantine organization.metatron
erm....well see, he was responsible for the holocaust...oh hang on there no holocaust so nahh...perhaps he could be blamed for 9/11, hmm then again in 50 years time the revisionist will have blotted out the 9/11 as a mere accident caused by some Jewish pilot...so naahhh, perahaps we could blame him for the misuse of "freedom of speach", where we are allowed to freely insult everyone and laugh at others sufferings, nah..oh no one ever did blame him for ...
second thoughts, i'll exit the thread and let others flog the dead horse
*steps up and coughs*
Ray Franz got his mits on me when I was the crisp age of 3 and is the root cause of why I hate raisins. He fed them to me for 3 months straight and now I break out in hives the moment I see them. He also had me get abducted by aliens and was present for the anal probe. He is part of a 10 fold conspiracy theory out to ruin my life and offer me up in satanic ritual, being that I am a virgin and all *wink wink.* See, there is one of his henchmen in the bushes outside my office window right now watching me type this. Gotta go, must change wigs...
*poof she is gone*
I thought we were supposed to blame the WTBTS for everything! Is this New Light (TM)?
OK, I can do this. Traffic jams on the M6! All the Watchtower's fault....I mean Ray Franz's fault.....
You actually DO just continue starting threads, now don't you?
Well, one side of the camp "seems" to blame Franz.........just as the other camp "seems" to blame Bowen.
Perhaps it's because a lot of people think in black/white? So, now ol' Min is going to continue the triad.........sarcastically stating "everything".
You're premise is wrong. It's not that Franz or Bowen is totally wrong on anything. It's probably more likely, neither man is totally right on anything.
After all, they are both men.
So that makes you wrong too, doesn't it?
I wonder if those who stand ready to denounce Franz have any idea what fairness and honesty are. Why is the accused automatically wrong in some way just because he has been ACCUSED. While some are willing to let the subject be dropped, "silentlambs" isn't. As recently as two days ago, in another forum, he went into another tirade against Franz. (http://www.channelc.org/cgi-bin/eboard30/index.cgi) Yet, I don't see Franz doing the same against "silentlambs" anywhere.
I was at Bethel during the entire period when Franz served there as a writer, and I can honestly say that I haven't seen any of his actual statements quoted in this forum or in any other that is contrary to the real situation back then. "Silentlambs" was not at Bethel during that period, yet he puts on the pretense of knowing even what most members of the Governing Body and other leaders didn't know. Any enemies he now has among ex-JWs is his own doing. Before he started with his accusations, we were probably 99 percent supportive of both men and their unique ministries. It was the hotheaded and thoughtles actions of "silentlambs" that divided us so sharply into what some now view as two opposing camps.
New Eyes
Lets holed Ray responsible for the things he did. He wrote a book, he is responsible for the book. he wrote a policy, he is responsible for that policy.
New Eyes,
So where in his book have you read something for which he ought to be condemned? Have you even read his "book"? Which one?
And can you state in clear terms the "policy" he wrote. I'll bet you can't, yet you're eager to condemn a good and decent man simply because of what others say. I'd hate to have you on the jury in any courtroom where I had been falsely accused. As I've stated above, I wonder if those who stand ready to denounce Franz have any idea what fairness and honesty are.
You're premise is wrong. It's not that Franz or Bowen is totally wrong on anything. It's probably more likely, neither man is totally right on anything.
Hello Waiting,
Amen to that. It has been proven here on this board from scripture and by the Watchtowers own literature that the two witness rule does not apply to criminal cases such as child abuse. So if anyone Franz, Bowen or anyone else ever used it in such cases or teach others to do it they were wrong. If they were in position of authority and failed to correct it they were wrong. If anyone is still using it that way then they are wrong. What we need to hear now are positive statements not assumptions as to what position is held by who at present. Does anyone know who supports which view today?
It has also been proven here on this board and on other boards that the Watchtower does not represent Gods exclusive channel of communication to mankind. Most now know that the bread and wine should be partaken of by everyone dedicated to Christ as a disciple. Our Lord was not executed on Nisan 14 but on Nisan 20. There was no Governing Body in Jerusalem but the Apostles and Disciples that resided there in that city still kept the Law abused the faith and caused disciples everywhere much grief against which the apostle Paul constantly fought. The faithful and discreet slave has not yet been selected or appointed. Their 2520 year Gentile Times teaching is false. Then again we have learned that blood transfusions do not violate scripture but was an attempt by James to force blood and other features of the Law on Gentiles. Watchtower doctrine on salvation is twisted beyond recognition. Perhaps a hundred or more other doctrines and teachings of the Watchtower have fallen here so then what is the present understanding of such men as Franz and Bowen? Our function and responsibility in the faith is to support the teachings of Christ and not the teachings of any man. So if we are to lend our support to either one we should at least know where they stand on such truth? I once supported the Watchtower lies here described. I was ignorant and mislead to be sure. I was wrong and am sorry for it. Both of these men did the same for a long time and are now sorry for it as well. Of this there is no doubt. But are they willing to do what needs to be done to correct such views and the damage done by them in the interest of Christ? And are they willing to take and active role in exposing such wrongdoing now that they know the truth of such matters? That is the question that I want to know. The rest will take care of itself.
Edited by - JosephMalik on 19 November 2002 12:17:0