Topics Started by manon
Salute the flag
by manon induring my childhood growing up jw while in grammar school saluting the flag or reciting the pledge of allegiance was practice every morning in our classrooms.
before the begining of every school year my mother would have a talk with my new teachers about our religious beliefs and practices.
i detested this i wanted to recite the pledge just like my classmates and sing the star spangled banner outloud.
Male or Female?????
by manon ini'm often confused as to what gender a poster might be with aliases such as 007xjw it tough for me to tell sometimes.
i also understand the need for some to maintain themselves unrevealed.
manon=female: even though the word man is in my alias
Who should assist the Iraqi.......................
by manon inpeople in rebuilding their nation and restructuring of their government?
any thoughts or ideas?
my thoughts: the jury is still out for me on this one.
Romance Hotspots and the winner is........
by manon in1. san juan, puerto rico
2. honolulu, hawaii
3. san francisco, california
by manon inhas anyone here ever watched this program on animal planet????
what do you all make of it???
Lessons of the FOOL
by manon inthings are not always as they appear!
usually when we think "fool" we imagine a simpleton, someone who is out of touch with reality or an object of social ridicule.
the common celebration of april fools day is a reflection of this attitude--we pull pranks and try to make our friends look silly--just for fun.
Support Members Of The US Armed Forces
by manon inthe following are web sites for several organizations sponsoring programs for member of the armed forces overseas.
service member do value and appreciate such expression of support:
Sound Advice
by manon inhere are a few words of wisdom to pass along:
1. what ever your adivce, make it brief.
2. many receive advice, few profit by it.
What is your PSI / ESP potential?
by manon inexperts estimate that one person out of twenty possesses an unusual degree of extrasensory perception-esp or psi energy.
the following questions may determine your own psi potential:
1- is it unusual for you to be reduced to tears?