Happens to me almost every night.....I've got a black cat with glowing golden eyes who is either sitting on my body or knocking things around in the room. Any visiting ghost would be overwhelmed by this pesky feline!
Great story, Whyhideit
your reading a post online this evening, about someone's encounter with what they think is a ghost.
you see some photos and cover the account word for word, when suddenly you have a shadow cast from behind you, over the monitor.
something seems to have moved in the room and yet you are the only one in the house.
Happens to me almost every night.....I've got a black cat with glowing golden eyes who is either sitting on my body or knocking things around in the room. Any visiting ghost would be overwhelmed by this pesky feline!
Great story, Whyhideit
just before i retire to bed my mind starts reflecting back over things i done heard that made a profound impact on my mental faculties (i guess i still have them).
anyway having worked the night shift i'm about to fall into a coma so you can imagine my minds on over-ride.
here's what i remembered.
Didja ever light a stream of hair spray??? Instant flamethrower.
I'd want lots of bottled water as the water supply is dependent on electricity here. Would also want to have canned food and toilet paper too. Will have to check on my supply of ammo....already have the guns.
many years ago (1970's), there was a small rebellion in bethel,caused by the indifference.
and heartlessness of bethel overseers.
one item that came up back then was the immediate.
Thanks Romans.. most succinctly put. Lets encourage victims to step up and get their bite of the pie.
again.. i don't often go to the web site of my former cult membership, and employer (after all i did publish for them)... but tonight i was surfing around and discovered this page.. http://www.jw-media.org/releases/bg_molestation.htm.
here is the contents:.
jehovah's witnesses office of public information.
These blundering morons are doing everything in their power to confuse and mishandle any investigation that comes before them. Imagine subjecting a child to this level of trauma and degradation after the s.o.b. has told her/him that they won't be believed anyway. Then calling the child a liar in front of the monster who molested them.
Parents! Take warning now. If your child acts strangely after an encounter with anyone in the org., take them to the local hospital and get a rape kit done. Contact a social worker at the hospital and have them call the police. Don't go to the elders!
an inactive friend just spoke to some elders who, not from the platform but one-on-one, said they believe the coming war with iraq will cause world war iii and armageddon.
has anyone else heard this?
it may be that some are using this as a tactic to scare inactives back into the watchtower society along with their needed donations, especially since the pedophile and wts-u.n. scandals.
I do recall when I was active that the thinking was that a man-made war would not be a trigger for the big A because it would dilute God's attack on mankind. He would begin the destruction of the world during a time of relative peace and quiet when those in power would be congratulating themselves on bringing about "peace and security" for their subjects.
The visiting CO and his wife have insisted on salads for lunch....
i did this survey from a link on another parenting website i visit...and have been lmao since.
my ideal religion is no surprise to me but i am lmao at my least suited:.
Neo-Pagan 100% New Age 94%
I gotta go light some candles and learn some new chants...
isaiah's prophecy - light for all mankind ii.
chapter 11, page 164, p. 22.
to look to men for salvation is the height of folly.
Thanks jgnat for posting that. Just wanted to add that Billy Graham has reached more people with his message by going on TV than the JWs do preaching from door to door.
I know it'll never happen, but can you imagine the FDS in an hour-long TV program telling folks about the marvels of the new world society. Wouldn't it be fun if they let viewers call in and ask questions?
Warrigal (who knows why that'll never happen)
if it were up to you, would you ban the jw's?
would you go that far?
No! Don't ban the JWs. Someone has to serve as a bad religious example and it may as well be them. Besides....what would we all have to talk about????
i am new to this forum and i am curious as to why certain foods was outlined under the mosaic law but do not apply now.
pork being the biggest example of all.
deuteronomy 14:8 "the pig also, because it is a splitter of the hoof but there is no cud.
Hi Seeking and welcome! The rationale I heard was that the Israelites wandering in the wilderness would not be able to cook pork to the extent necessary to kill the trichanosis parasite. I don't know if that was the rabbinical reason or not but its what I was told many years ago.
Warrigal of the dearly loves roast pork class