You could tie her to a chair and make her sit through hours and hours of the Watchtower Study (catechism) until she spilled the beans. What better form of psychological torture?? Ok, so a 3 day District Convention would work too.
imagine you are the head of the security services in your city.
somewhere in your city is a bomb.
it is timed to explode sometime in the next 24 hours, very probably in a crowded area.
You could tie her to a chair and make her sit through hours and hours of the Watchtower Study (catechism) until she spilled the beans. What better form of psychological torture?? Ok, so a 3 day District Convention would work too.
hey guys,.
i am a witness that is no longer going to meetings.. but i tell you what, i'm scared to death.. i'm really "limping on two decisions.".
what would you guys say is the one "scriptural" reason why you left the truth.. thanks.. gene.
Hi Confuzious; Jesus said that his followers would be known by the love among themselves. Its not in the Watchtower Society and its not found among the publishers at the Kingdom Hall. Thats my litmus test. Warrigal
hi, i'm a little bit nervous posting something in here.....this is the firts time.....i was just wondering what "good" or "bad" things you have to say about jw.
i have been a jw all my life and my husband too.
right now i'm in the process of getting out... or fading away....i'm not attending the meetings anymore.
Hi Layla; You are most welcome here and will find many folks who have gone through the same things you have. Just jump in and write us when you can.
most of you know that i have been researching breeds of dogs.
today is the day i get my baby!
i am so excited.
Congratulations on your new baby!!! Greyhounds are soooo elegant and graceful.
Buy yourself a greyhound collar and find an agent. They are popular in commercials and photo shoots. Take lots of pictures and post them when you can.
Warrigal this is my first time here......i have been inactive for about 6 years now.....i was disfellowshipped about 11 years ago......but lucky me they let me back in......but i slowly just "fell away" and now i guess i am just an outsider who no one really wants anything to do with......mine is actually a sad story of rejection.....some one very close to me actually killed themselves while disfellowshipped......i am very bitter towards the whole thing and how he was treated.....and how i am still treated.....i guess now i am just a closet anarchist (hope that is spelt right) who secretly wishes the whole damn organization would just fall apart and disappear......anyway.....i just wanted to say hi......i am interested in everyones comments and theories in here......i have one of my own on how god is either falible or screwed the whole planet up on purpose......but that is probably not the kind of thing discussed here......i hope to check in regular and get involved in the discussions......thanks
Welcome JSMHR!!!! Yes, the WTS will soon feel God's wrath for what they've sorry that it happened to you. There are some great people here and they too shall make you welcome. Warrigal
i met a jw man a little more than 2 years ago.
he grew up in the truth.
i was worldly.
Welcome Jacqueline!!!! Yes, the JWs do become very clannish and if you aren't part of their clique they will pretend that you don't exist. I could never understand why they made such an effort to find new people when their so-called brothers and sisters in their midst were ignored and even shunned. You are welcome here and though we can't get together with you in real life....we can on this forum. Warrigal
i'm a deskside support guy working for a service company, at one of their contracts.
i enjoy fixing things, although some of the customers could use a good knock on the skull sometimes.. i make pretty decent money for what i am doing.. for me, it's what i've wanted to do my whole life.
i had a computer from the time i was born, and love it since then.. what do you guys do to bring home the bacon?.
Retired as a Veterinary Technician with specialty in anesthesia and emergency services. Some experience with large animals but mostly cats and dogs. Loved every minute of it but the St Bernards got too heavy for me to lift!!!! Currently I teach Agility and campaign my dog to finish her titles in the sport. Warrigal
10 min: talk by elder.
"help at the right time" highlight that the special effort being made to assist those who are inactivate reflects jehovahs loving concern for his people.. .
help at the right time.
My husband and I have decided that we don't want the elders in our home. As the one who is baptized, I will meet them outside and tell them that I don't want to be associated with them any longer and that they are not to return. I hope they listen this time because if they keep pushing the issue and show up again I'm gonna be rude!
i am having a discussion with my elder bro-in-law, and he says the bible was written for all people.... but i'm sure i've read somewhere that the wt says its only meant to be understood by the faithful and discreet slave..or 144, i right?
i'm a bit confused on this point.
anyone got any references that i can include in my reply to my jw bro?.
Interesting question. A brother who is also a pioneer of long standing made the statement that the Christian Greek Scriptures were not written for the other sheep and are addressed to the anointed. The other sheep are awaiting the opening of the 'new scrolls' after armageddon. I don't know if that is official WTS doctrine or just off the top of his head.
the reason that i am a little afraid is that four out of my five grown children are still jws and if they knew that i was on here.....well nothing would change, would it, they don't speak to me now.
ok, i talked myself out of being afraid.
lol .
Greetings and a hearty welcome to you!!!
You'll find many of the 'been there, done that' generation here. People here are kind and loving. So sorry your family has shunned you.....we won't.