In this year 2003 it is hard to believe that the Bible has been written without error. To date there has never been found an original manuscript of the Bible.All everyone has ever had are translations of translations of translations and copies of copies of copies.Before the invention of the printing press in the 15th century, no two translations were ever alike. THe production of books, or translations was exceedingly slow ans erroneous. Translators made many mistakes.
To have an infallible Bible, the oral tradition would have had to be passed down "infallibly" after having been "infallibly" started followed by thousands of infallible translators and thousands of "infallible" interpreters or "infallible" readers to "infallible" interpreter etc.
Then we can consider the various hundreds of Bibles available today you may ask which one is the infallible one assuming you can read infallibly.
You can spend your entire life reading all the documentation there is in the world in search of "THE" religion and you will be more confused than before you started.
If you make it simple and choose any run of the mill religion, remove the doctrine they epose and live your life by what you have left you will do ok. If you think God is going to help you if you pray to him you are living an illusion. You and you alone can control your destiny by seeking out your own soul that is present in all of us. Once you have found it you will be the happier for it.