one of the things that used to annoy me in the new testament was the "believe in jesus" message.
any explainations seemed fuzzy at best so i decided to take a run at it from behind and find the definintion of an un-believer.here is what i came up with and i welcome other opinions.
many of the people around jesus were jews, they walked with him, talked with him, listened to his teachings and witnessed his miracles.
hello this is my first time on this web site.i am an inactive jw.
married to a jw.didnt believe in there teachings for many years.. looked and read at your site for along time.
its one of the best.iam not very good at typing or spelling.and cyber communication.. hard to have a marriage when one believes and the other one doesnt.we were both raised jws .but i changed and she didnt.. common story.too years to learn to think for myself.
welcome to the best of the best
is there a list of the names of subsidiaries, partially or wholly owned owned by the wts.
i have been looking at the list of beneficiaries of the "faith based " outfits that willl benefit from the recent program started by the bush administration.
i am wondering if the wts is benefiting from this program thru another name.
Well GW Bush is one of the Bible thumpers in Washington. He seems to think that he has a direct connection to the almighty. I find it hard to believe that none of WT HQ hidden stuff has not leaked out some how. They certainly are not honest and truthful.
hi folks...just thought i'd breeze by and say hellos.
life got extremely busy of late but is now starting to settle.
my biggest news, and what's been all-consuming is that my immigration visa came through and i've moved to the us (southern washington state)!
I am this moment in Calgary and had quite a time getting here. I forgot my green card and was advised by the US customs that I should be able to get back in to the US with a fine and/or get a deferral after I return to the US. I hope they will let me back in so I can go home.
i heard from someone that they asked about the bible and dinosauros,the jw didn't believe and talked about whales in reply!.
was there something you couldn't explain on the doors?
Has anyone ever asked "what does the Watchtower have that would entice me to their way or interpretation of the Bible over other religions.
we all know how disfellowshipped or disassociated children get treated by their jw parents, that they are totally shunned.
but what happens when it comes to family inheritance do they get treated fairly or do they get a lesser share or in extreme cases perhaps nothing at all?
and would jw parents that have no children left in the wts choose to give everything to the org?
We cannot speak to our daughter on the subject of JW and the habits they have. When approached with some of the "reasonable" items on this web, the responae is that all the people out there are against the JW. "Theocratic War Doctrine". She never comes to see us. She comes to the local KH and their friends. Usually to attend a wedding or an event at the KH. THen as a side issue she will come to see us if she has time or the inclination. Her ignorant husband is probably heading toward being an elder or the pope or something like that.
we all know how disfellowshipped or disassociated children get treated by their jw parents, that they are totally shunned.
but what happens when it comes to family inheritance do they get treated fairly or do they get a lesser share or in extreme cases perhaps nothing at all?
and would jw parents that have no children left in the wts choose to give everything to the org?
If my daughter were to stay with the WTS I know that, in her obvious frame of mind, all her inheritances would go to the WTS. I would turn over in my grave if this were to happen. I love my daughter beyond belief. However, the attitude she has taken toward her parents and the rest of the family is not something to reward her for. She is at the Paterson compound and we help her with things that would be difficult to trade into cash. If she is ever in trouble our door is open to her under all circumstances, but I will not finance the WTS.
i heard from someone that they asked about the bible and dinosauros,the jw didn't believe and talked about whales in reply!.
was there something you couldn't explain on the doors?
Do we know how much the governing body gets?
i heard from someone that they asked about the bible and dinosauros,the jw didn't believe and talked about whales in reply!.
was there something you couldn't explain on the doors?
I had a couple of ladies come to my front door and we started to discuss "the TRUTH". I asked the lead lady the following:
What is your definition of a lie?
Her response was an "untruth".
With that I said what If I were to explain a situation with the truth except I would leave out certain parts out of the verbage that would lead you to believe the opposite to what had actually happened, what would you say that was? (JWs use this technique frequently)
Both ladies left without further adieu. Furthermore, the "helper" person said with a smile- "He got you that time". I loaned her the CofC book and I never saw her again. She probably burned the book as a product of Satan.
I found out that you never discuss the Bible or Bible related subjects with the JWs. the solution is to ask comon sense questions only. They are brainwashed to coinside with their "AWAKE" teachings not common sense. "BELIEFS" are seldom related to common sense.
Persons that are converted to JWism have experienced a trauma in their lives, breakup with a spouse or boyfriend, abuse in the family, etc.
we all know how disfellowshipped or disassociated children get treated by their jw parents, that they are totally shunned.
but what happens when it comes to family inheritance do they get treated fairly or do they get a lesser share or in extreme cases perhaps nothing at all?
and would jw parents that have no children left in the wts choose to give everything to the org?
I have a daughter that elected to disassociate herself from the family. This was done with little consideration to the family.
I have made a trust of which my other child will be a part of. My JW child will get a letter detailing my thoughts about what she has done and why I elected to do what I did. She aparently is a fanatic in the cult and as such there is no way I could justify leaving her one penny because I cannot help but know it will all eventually go to the WTS. It hurt when she elected to reject the family and equally hurts to leave her out of my will. Both my children will get a letter outlining what I think of them and the reasons for my actions or reactions. I am sick to my stomach when I just think that my baby daughter has treated us this way. This feeling will never go away. Her actions were unacceptable.