Okay us montanans don't really talk like we're from texas but putting the southern drawl on the c'boys would work for brits.
JoinedPosts by terabletera
So Has Anyone Got A Joke For HL Then?
by Englishman in3 times a year, at the end of every college term, her ladyship likes to have a joke to tell at the end of term party.
normally softly spoken and amiable, she likes to have a well rehearsed, totally original joke to tell at the party, the more raucous the better as far as she is concerned.
in fact, she has become something of a legend now, so that she is already being asked if she has her joke sorted out for xmas, so good at the telling of them is she.. the problem is, that this terms joke, whilst being exceedingly funny, does require the use of a welsh accent.
So Has Anyone Got A Joke For HL Then?
by Englishman in3 times a year, at the end of every college term, her ladyship likes to have a joke to tell at the end of term party.
normally softly spoken and amiable, she likes to have a well rehearsed, totally original joke to tell at the party, the more raucous the better as far as she is concerned.
in fact, she has become something of a legend now, so that she is already being asked if she has her joke sorted out for xmas, so good at the telling of them is she.. the problem is, that this terms joke, whilst being exceedingly funny, does require the use of a welsh accent.
Two Cowboys from Montana walk into a roadhouse to wash the trail dust
their throats.
They stand at the bar, talking quietly about Beef prices.
Suddenly a woman at a table behind them, who has been eating a
begins to cough.
After a minute or so it becomes apparent that she is in real distress,
the cowboys turn to look at her
"Kin ya swaller?" asks one of the cowboys. "No", signals the woman,
desperately shaking her head.
"Kin ya breathe?" asks the other. The woman, beginning to turn a bit
shakes her head "No" again.
The first cowboy walks over to her, lifts her skirt and slowly runs
tongue up and down her left butt cheek.
This shocks the woman to a violent spasm, the obstruction flies out of
mouth and she begins to breathe again.
The cowboy walks back to the bar and proudly takes a sip of his beer.
partner says in admiration.... "Ya know, I'd heard of that there Hind
Maneuver, but I ain't never seed nobody do it." -
When the "Fish hook" came down...and it must be grabbed!
My husband loved the one where he tried to lift the balloons on the weight stick and his arms came off.
favorite quote by Patrick "Cheesy"
A funny thing just happened on CNN with J.W's
by anakinsrise ina humorous moment just happened on the news.
the news crews were all staking out john mohammeds ex-wifes house where the car was registered.
neighbors said they go around wearing the muslim dress and shit.
If it had been the "sisters" I was always stuck with they'd of said, "Well well well, there must be a sheep in here that satan is viciously guarding!" And on we'd go to the next house.
Brit Cuisine( ! )- A Guide For The Gourmet.
by Englishman infor some time now, i have been becoming aware of with what great high esteem our british cooking is regarded throughout the world.
i am not just talking about botulism and salmonella pie steak and kidney pie, but the really traditional stuff, some of which is almost edible.
here, for your delectation and comments, is our first great british dish, cod, chips and mushy peas:.
What? No pickled mink eyes?
I am, however, very happy to see that someone with their culinary talents came up with a good chili yogurt sauce! Hot damn, can't wait to get to England, Laddies.
Brit Cuisine( ! )- A Guide For The Gourmet.
by Englishman infor some time now, i have been becoming aware of with what great high esteem our british cooking is regarded throughout the world.
i am not just talking about botulism and salmonella pie steak and kidney pie, but the really traditional stuff, some of which is almost edible.
here, for your delectation and comments, is our first great british dish, cod, chips and mushy peas:.
Okay okay, I am just sure it's all yummy to the tummy. Just in case, when I go I'm bringing some slim fast.
the smart dog joke
by terabletera ini just thought this was kinda cute... .
>> a wealthy man decided to go on safari in africa.
he took his faithful.
I just thought this was kinda cute..
>> A wealthy man decided to go on safari in Africa. He took his faithful
>> pet dog along for company. One day the dog starts chasing butterflies
>> and before long the dog
>> discovers that he is lost.
>> So, wandering about he notices a leopard heading rapidly in his
>> direction with the obvious intention of having lunch. The dog thinks,
>> "Oh hell, I'm in deep shit now." Then he noticed some bones on the
>> ground close by, and immediately settles down to chew on the bones
>> with
>> his back to the approaching cat.
>> Just as the leopard is about to leap, the dog exclaims loudly,"Holy
>> cow,
>> that was one delicious leopard. I wonder if there are any more around
>> here?"
>> Hearing this the leopard halts his attack in mid stride, as a look of
>> terror comes over him, and slinks away into the trees. "Whew," says
>> the
>> leopard. "That was close. That dog nearly had me."
>> Meanwhile, a monkey who had been watching the whole scene from a
>> nearby
>> tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for
>> protection from
>> the leopard. So, off he goes. But the dog saw him heading after the
>> leopard with great speed, and figured that something must be up.
>> The monkey soon catches up with the leopard, spills the beans about
>> the
>> dog's ruse and strikes a deal for himself with the leopard. The
>> leopard
>> is furious at being made a fool of and says, "Here monkey, hop on my
>> back and see what's going to happen to that conniving canine bastard."
>> Now the dog sees the leopard coming with the monkey on his back, and
>> thinks, "Oh shit, what the hell am I going to do now?" But instead of
>> running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers pretending
>> he
>> hasn't seen them yet. And just when they get close enough to hear, the
>> dog says, "Where's that freaking monkey?!! I sent him off half an hour
>> ago to bring me another leopard, and he's still not back!!" -
Brit Cuisine( ! )- A Guide For The Gourmet.
by Englishman infor some time now, i have been becoming aware of with what great high esteem our british cooking is regarded throughout the world.
i am not just talking about botulism and salmonella pie steak and kidney pie, but the really traditional stuff, some of which is almost edible.
here, for your delectation and comments, is our first great british dish, cod, chips and mushy peas:.
Somebody Stop E-man from posting those horrid pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!
I happened to be enjoying my morning coffee and caught a glance of "mushy peas"..I'm not even going to say where I saw something that looked like that before! But it ain't pretty.
One thing though, when I go to England (in another year), I'm bound to lose any extra pounds I may have on me then!
That is hilarious! I've always called it that...but not that I requested pink $hit but more the "get anything except that pink $hit" heehee
I'm soo excited!!
by worldly girl ini just had to share that we finally closed on our house... after waiting for almost 2 months!!
just so everyone knows, when we get settled, i'm planning to have a "get together"< roflmao, never thought i'd use that phrase!
so i may be inactive on here for awhile while we get settled!!
Oh my! Don't you remember the golden rule of get togethers? No open invitations!!! You dont' want "bad associations" finding their way there to you? What about off color jokes or bad language..this could "stumble" your other, more appropriate and upstanding guests. And how about close dancing? Hmmm? Have you considered whether or not you will have music by Barry Manilow only or will someone inadvertently put on some Raunchy Rock and Roll? Tsk tsk, we can't have that. In the future, I recommend that you be more careful about planning your get togethers. Perhaps a more mature christian could help you decide whom to invite, alright? Just some warm, loving, thoughtful advice.
gee, it made me sick just to kid around saying that stuff, lol.
Congrats on the house really, I know what a great feeling it is. And how lucky you are to get two months to close. Now days they give you less than a month to get out, like you're getting evicted from your home. "We love it, we'll take it! Now get out in two weeks you scum bag!"