See? Jesus does NOT mind. I knew he'd have to post on that. Thanks Jee! You rock.
JoinedPosts by terabletera
Christian priorities and holidays
by jurs ineven when i was a jw i thought it odd that witnesses gave so much importance to holidays.
when i was studying, i was bogged down with how awful they were because they are pagan and how wrong it was to celebrate.
it seems to me like more attention was donated to the issue of holidays than what the meat of christianity is.
another post on Asperger's Syndrome
by terabletera inmulan, thankyou for bringing up this subject.
gawd parents of these children feel so very alone and we often are.. i am constantly in a battle with our small town school and we have made some great changes for future situations but it has cost me dearly.
inability to keep the same job due to the constant battles and needs for my son.
I am glad to know that he has someone in his life Mulan. Most AS people do not. Well it depends on their range on the autism spectrum. For those that do get married, they often uncle! Many many times divorced. AS if I ever saw it. Failed in school, dropped out. Went back ages later and ended up graduating from UCLA with honors. Married again and just fathered his very first child, he is 51. He could do the entire script from the holy grail, actions and accents and all.
My son is still young. Girls follow him around when we go to the mall. He had NO idea. I'm thinking someone will talk him in to love one day. Whether or not they'll keep him, I really don't think about right now.
Another Type of Unhappy "Believer"
by Francois inthere seemed to be one or two of these in every hall with which i was associated.
usually a married couple.
one of whom was handicapped in some way.
Mom has MS. It is this infirmity of hers that I believe keeps her in the religion. She does her very un JW things on the side, like birthdays and doing holidays but NOT really doing them. Calling it something else and making it a point that the "friends" don't know about it. But around JWs, she is the wonderful sister that everyone thinks of in their prayers because her faith is 'unshakable'. Oh boy does she want the new system, YESTERDAY. Jehovah is sure to fix her legs too. You bet it's sad.
How DO you do it?
by alfie inthis is not a question to get too personal, but how do so many of you find the time to post so much?
i have trouble finding time to read a few posts, let alone respond to or begin as many as so many of you folks do.
I come in and out throughout the day when I get time. I type like the wind so that helps. really I can type faster than most people talk....and I've got long nails! That talent and fifty cents can get me a cup of coffee.
Christian priorities and holidays
by jurs ineven when i was a jw i thought it odd that witnesses gave so much importance to holidays.
when i was studying, i was bogged down with how awful they were because they are pagan and how wrong it was to celebrate.
it seems to me like more attention was donated to the issue of holidays than what the meat of christianity is.
I love christmas. Love the expense. Love the crowds. Love the kids getting all materialistic on me. love the baking,love love love. I have no care in the world about what pagans did or did not do. I have never heard Jesus say anything on the matter anyway.
Christmas is great! Keeping it.
Unhappy Believers
by JH in.
did you know any brothers and sisters that attend(ed) meetings regularly, but deep inside seem(ed) to be very unhappy about being a witness?
i ask this question because many people are just blind followers, who don't dare question the leaders and follow like sheep.
That was funny wing...really. I was so terribly bored at meetings. how could I encourage my kids to take notes when I was sitting there counting how many sisters were wearing floral skirts, AGAIN. I would look to see if sister so and so had colored her hair again, she always had a new shade. And how on earth did brother so and so manage to sleep sitting up like that. I swear he has REM goin there and he looks like he's paying attention! I do recall who NOT to sit near because they wore a ton of cologne, or they had that kid that would sit in their seat (bored as I was) but stare at me endlessly. I'd wink, I'd smile, I'd finally motion for him to turn around...only so he'd turn back and stare at me for another 30 minutes.
You'd see the same people get up at exactly the same time in the meeting so they could use the restroom where all their friends were visiting over some sister having a great time nursing her kid in there. can't do that at the seat...some one may see your breast!
Finally, I took to writing sexy notes to my husband. That really got things goin.
another post on Asperger's Syndrome
by terabletera inmulan, thankyou for bringing up this subject.
gawd parents of these children feel so very alone and we often are.. i am constantly in a battle with our small town school and we have made some great changes for future situations but it has cost me dearly.
inability to keep the same job due to the constant battles and needs for my son.
I will email you regarding this Rhonda. We do have an organization PLUK, Parents lets unite for kids that helps in these matters but they are overwhelmed. Getting the IEP to work is not as easy here as it may seem, I have had to involve other things to get things to work. parents out here seem to curl up and let the school ship their child off to the "academy" where youths with emotional problems are sent. They tried it with mine. I went and had a tour of the place to be fair but I said no. My son does not have emotional baggage. He is not victim of abuse or neglect nor did we wrench him out of a gang and disarm him, like most youths at the "academy" were. Most are from out of state. I am in Montana. A good ol' boy state if there ever was one. You wouldn't believe how cracker jack the schools are run here!
As far as the TS goes, like Mulan said, it is quite odd to see it for the first time. My son's tics currently (they change over time) are a forced cough every three seconds, a "mum" sound in the back of this throat in between coughs, hopping(but that can be from the autism as well), and blinking, head jerking. Sometimes he'll enter a room with a loud clap of the hands (LOVE that one on a nice quiet morning!). Recently, my daughters were at a slumber party together. My son never gets invited anywhere by anyone, only harrassed by his peers (yet girls are very attracted to him until they realize how not like the other boys he is). He is very quiet really. He can talk for hours about a subject he finds facinating (like license plate collecting) and give you a quick run down of all the states that emboss rather than deboss....this can go on and on. :-) So while the girls were out, my husband and I went out to a pub in Billings and took him with us. He ordered rootbeer (that he'd drink forever) while we talked. I noticed that while he played with spilled salt on the table, (being aspergers at that time) he would repeat words said by people passing by our table, (the TS side of him). He heard nothing we were discussing. He looks normal. He really acts normal. Okay but there are times we think he is having a "rain man" day.
Here is a really nice story I have about him that occured last summer. If you have a kid like this, you'll love it. We took all of our kids to the baseball game, it was highschool baseball. My son was more interested in the fact that we got him a taffy bar to eat. There were lots of beatiful teenage girls prancing about showing off their bellybutton rings and sparkly skin. They walked very gracefully in front of my son several times and would stop there and talk a LOT louder and giggled trying to get him to notice their very pretty little selves. Me and the husband thought it was cute. But he was still shaping the taffy bar, totally unaware that he is cute as hell. His hair is a bit long and we highlight it. He has taken on a mature build and is finally no longer that skinny thing he used to be. He has big green eyes too. Finally, the girls gave up and went on to where they'd be noticed, after all, why else were they there? Then our son turned to my husband and said, "Did you see that?" My husband chuckled and said "well, yes I did. But I didn't think that you did!" then my son said, "Well yeah! That wasp has been trying to get my candy for like the last half hour and I finally swat it in mid air!"
We got a laugh out of it.
another post on Asperger's Syndrome
by terabletera inmulan, thankyou for bringing up this subject.
gawd parents of these children feel so very alone and we often are.. i am constantly in a battle with our small town school and we have made some great changes for future situations but it has cost me dearly.
inability to keep the same job due to the constant battles and needs for my son.
Mulan, thankyou for bringing up this subject. Gawd parents of these children feel so very alone and we often are.
I am constantly in a battle with our small town school and we have made some great changes for future situations but it has cost me dearly. Inability to keep the same job due to the constant battles and needs for my son. I am now again in a battle. It got heated last friday and concluded today. Just a battle, not a war. This one is hard to win. It's with the high school now and all they are interested in is football stars, not odd balls like my son.
I have cried before I've gone to bed for the last several days and have woke up twice crying at 6 in the morning. Honestly, I am not a cryer. It just gets to be so draining and tiring. I've basically been schooling him at home, the school does nothing. He is still failing miserably and we may have to involve the state capital me, I am not loved in this town.
I am a very non confrontational person by nature but I have had to find the lioness in myself to stand up for my son. There are always always always the teachers that say "Oh yes, Asperger's Sydrome, I know all about that. Read about it in People Magazine." Oh, I'm sure they are fully informed! ha ha. Now I can say with all seriousness, "I know far more than you do. I live with it" I make them listen. Anyway, I was comforted just reading that thread because it is an issue I deal with daily. My son also suffers a great deal from Tourettes Syndrome on top of it all. He's been bullied so badly that the school has had to escort him to the bus and wait for him to show up at school to protect him from some kids. We got that taken care of....for now. Isn't it funny how they call me instantly to explain why he's been given the harsh penalty for his "tantrum" when leniency has been repeatedly shown to those who have harrassed him? That one involved The state capital of administrations of schools I tell ya that much! Gawd I was livid! Grr, sorry sorry. It's a sore spot here today. Thank you again.
Tera -
What do you live for?
by YoursChelbie ini have been wondering, .
before, while in the borg, many of us were under intense indoctrination of ideas like; "live for god", "look to the new system were everything will be perfect.." .
--not in those very words but you know what i mean... .
What do I live for? My cat, just ask him.
Favorite Monty Python Sketch?
by Bendrr in.
maybe this one has been done before.. what's your favorite monty python sketch?.
Clease's eyes narrow over his beard, "....are there any women here?"