Early in the thread someone posted that the cult identity is more of a spectrum or continuum than a fixed digital state. I agree with this.
Cult can be seen as one of many properties or metrics of a group - really, every group - that can have a range of values from low to high. A group's cult metric can be determined by examining its culture to see how closely it conforms to the BITE model. It is fair to say that most religious groups will match some aspects of the BITE model to some degree. But when a group's cult metric exceeds a certain threshold, there can be no denying that the group is a cult. For example, there can be no denying that the People's Temple was a cult.
If we quantify a group's cult metric on a scale of 0 to 10 with 0 meaning they have no trace of cult tendencies (which is extremely unlikely for any group) and 10 being the most harmful blatant cults, then we can use a cult metric greater than 5 as the litmus test for designating a group as being a cult. In my opinion, Watchtower has a score around 7.
It's important to note, however, that a group's cult metric has nothing to do with how orthodox or correct its beliefs are. Rather, it has to do with the group's behavior.