You will experience love like you have never known. You will feel accepted,
I am so happy that you are here!
i am not new to the board but i am new to the shunning that i am receiving from my former bro and sis of my old k.h.
you see, i was a baptized member of j.w.
's in 1988 and then i stopped attending in 1990. in 2002 started attending a baptisit church and i was baptized by the church in the same year.
You will experience love like you have never known. You will feel accepted,
I am so happy that you are here!
i have leanings towards the anti-war brigade because i hate killing.
also, i do not think i have more of a right to be alive on this planet than the next person.
i don't know all the ins and outs of this present conflict.
I know what I mean and I mean what I say!
i have leanings towards the anti-war brigade because i hate killing.
also, i do not think i have more of a right to be alive on this planet than the next person.
i don't know all the ins and outs of this present conflict.
"If your next door neighbor was being raped and robbed, would you assist? If the town next your yours was being robbed and their woman raped, would you assist to stop these Devils?"
ThiChi -please elaborate - I don't see the connection.
i have leanings towards the anti-war brigade because i hate killing.
also, i do not think i have more of a right to be alive on this planet than the next person.
i don't know all the ins and outs of this present conflict.
The only problem with your argument is - who are the peacemakers, and who are the tyrants?
are there any english apostates who could meet me in london or a mutually convenient location.
i'm arriving late tuesday night, so from wednesday forward i am amenable to being reached.
i am at an internet cafe in new york now.
Do not, I repeat DO NOT go north of Watford. They eat babies - you know!
i have leanings towards the anti-war brigade because i hate killing.
also, i do not think i have more of a right to be alive on this planet than the next person.
i don't know all the ins and outs of this present conflict.
I know exactly how you feel. I hate war! I hate it! But I don't hate the soldiers, sailors, airmen etc who are putting their lives on the line.
I admire those that put their life on the line for me - whether I agree with it or not is irrelevant.
Please - whether you are pro-war or antir-war - just stop for a minute and think " I may be wrong".
everyone probably has a slightly different experience when leaving the witnesses.the worst aspect about this for me is the realisation that my enteire life has been lived and directed by a false premiss, and the effect past decisions now have on my life.. it can make me feel sick in the stomach on occation.. also the idea that friends and family think i have tuned bad or evil to have left jehovah is qute disturbing at times.
Why on earth do you think your best days are gone??????
Go for it! If you want a degree, well work for it! Don't let past comments get you down - just do what you want to do.
i have leanings towards the anti-war brigade because i hate killing.
also, i do not think i have more of a right to be alive on this planet than the next person.
i don't know all the ins and outs of this present conflict.
I am not pro-war or anti-war. I have leanings towards the anti-war brigade because I hate killing. Also, I do not think I have more of a right to be alive on this planet than the next person. I don't know all the ins and outs of this present conflict. I don't know if what we are told in our press coverage and TV programmes is true. I JUST DON'T KNOW. I don't know what to believe any more. I don't know who is wrong or who is right. I don't know who's propaganda is more reprehensible. I just don't like war - PERIOD! I hate anyone thinking they have the right to take the life of another human being. So where does that leave me?
i've just seen the al-jazeera footage.
its truly shocking.
there were about 6-7 us soldiers.
Thanks for your reply.
I take on board what you say. It is frustrating when you cannot get people to see what is going on in front of their eyes, as with the WTS. But, as far as this war goes, I have to admit I don't know what is right or wrong. I have my own leanings towards the anti-war crowd, but I do understand where the pro-war group are coming from. Unless I can say, hand on my heart, I know exactly what Bush/Blair/Hussein's intentions are and what motivates them, I have to admit I am as much in the dark as the next man. Until I can read people's minds and know what they plan to do, I don't really know anything.
I hate the thought of war. I find the scenes on TV very disturbing. I hate to think of people getting killed just because they happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I admit - I don't know what the solution is. I know that everyone that posts, pro or against, is sincere and believes what they are saying is right. I am pretty dumb and just don't know.
I will just continue to carry on and read each side's posts.
I wish you well.
Hi Prufrock,
What are you studying at Uni?
Just curious - I am a trifle nosey - comes from being a mother.