I certainly don't think all JWs are bad or uncaring. I didn't go to the KH for the memorial because I would have received the same reception as Wednesday (Wednesday - I am so sorry you and your husband suffered at the hands of a bunch of ignorant people). I just could not go through with it - all the falseness, the pretend love, the gossip as soon as my back was turned etc. I know a lot of them dislike me. My congregation is just like Wednesday's - full of affluent peole who look down on the working-class. I know you get people like that everywhere, but this is supposed to be God's true organisation. Don't you think it should stand out as different? Don't you think that the people should be loving and caring, whatever congregation you go to and however rich they are?
Your congregation sounds really nice - many are not. There were many good people attending my KH last night - I mean, my family were there and they mean a lot to me. But I still could not go because the whole thing is meaningless. And as it turns out, the whole evening was so good and hubby was in such a good mood - not going was the best decision I have made in a long time.
By the way - as I have said before, do you think these people you are raving about would treat you so well if they knew the sort of life you are leading at the moment? You have posted on here that you get up to all sorts. That is your choice, but that is NOT how JWs would see it. If just one found out, they would drop you in it big time and pat themselves on the back for being good little 'christian' snitches. Watch your back!