Omg plz tell me that story is not true
JoinedPosts by losingit
A child that DIDN'T want to die ... a blood experience you won't read in Awake! or on JW.ORG
by wannabefree inwhile doing work for a client in her office recently, we got into a light discussion about religion.
she knew i was one of jehovahs witnesses as our business relationship started while i was still a loyal and believing jw.
anyway, i said something that she knew didnt quite fit and she said ... i thought you were one of jehovahs witnesses ... i shared my story ... she felt comfortable to confide in me a story as to why, even though she has had dealings with jehovahs witnesses who she thinks are good people, she would never even consider listening to them about their religion.. i asked her if she would write it down for me so that i could share ... she agreed.. this is her experience.. .
I don't understand how psychology was confused for the holy spirit?
SO cofty what do you attribute your born again experience to? if it wasn't the holy spirit, what was it?
Today's WT study - WTS playing into Satan's hand?
by leaving_quietly inthe picture on page 26 of the 8/15/13 wt shows three scenarios with the caption "what scriptural principles should come to your mind under these circumstances.
" the scriptures are, of course, what's discussed throughout the article.
"the desire of the flesh", "the desire of the eyes" and "the showy display of one's means of life".
JWGoneBad... OMG! So happy Im out! It's stuff like that, the bavk and forth abd outright manipulations that frustrated and then finally enraged me as a Witness. Why are these people taking this abuse? To go from promoting the use of technology for spiritual research purposes to being told they're evil???? There's no way of making sense of it.
Letting go of Highly Qualified Men
by James Jackson ini have been posting for a few months now and have read the life stories of tech49, confusedandalone, winston smith and other brothers who have held prominent positions in the organization who were dismissed not for any gross sins, but mainly for not keeping their child toeing the line.
they have been "cast aside", nit picked to death, and made to feel unworthy for their years of dedicated service.
even in my case, having my best friends treat me like the plague to jockey for position of recogntion.. is this what the organization is resorting to now?
These stories make me want to scream!
How I recently handled JWs at my door
by Christian guy inthe jws stopped by my house a couple weeks ago on a saturday morning.
i knew that with others most likely waiting for them out in the car they probably did not then have much time to engage in any serious conversation.
so i let them talk while i feigned interest in what they had to say.
Wow, i did not realize that JWN was for ex jws who are now atheists. News to me. I thought JWN waa for ex jws seeking support wherever they ended up on the belief scale.
WelcomeChristian Guy!
it's my birthday too!
by losingit in36 years young :-) .
celebrating for the first time in more than ten years.
birthday cake for breakfast with my girls.
KarriOtt thank you
Everyone thank you
no birthday celebration after all
by losingit innew boyfriend is upset bc an old boyfriend when i was a teenager is on my fb friend list and wished me a happy birthday.
was supposed to go to turkish embassy for cultural celebration.
my first birthday in years, and total freaking meltdown.
I'm so tempted to go back. The world is full of shit. I don't want to deal with it anymore. I'm so hurt!!!! Anyways, life goes on! Nothing new in my world.
no birthday celebration after all
by losingit innew boyfriend is upset bc an old boyfriend when i was a teenager is on my fb friend list and wished me a happy birthday.
was supposed to go to turkish embassy for cultural celebration.
my first birthday in years, and total freaking meltdown.
I was hoping that today would be a magical day. no, it is just another day of BS.
no birthday celebration after all
by losingit innew boyfriend is upset bc an old boyfriend when i was a teenager is on my fb friend list and wished me a happy birthday.
was supposed to go to turkish embassy for cultural celebration.
my first birthday in years, and total freaking meltdown.
New boyfriend is upset bc an old boyfriend when i was a teenager is on my fb friend list and wished me a happy birthday
Was supposed to go to Turkish Embassy for cultural celebration. my first birthday in years, and total freaking meltdown. not going anywhere. i got dressed up, blow dried my hair but i can't get myself to go.
He just left.
Birthdays mean nothing. i got all these wellwishes from family and friends on fb .i washoping for i