I checked the Star connect Media home page. There are so many problems with this OP and this website, which takes about 30 seconds to figure out, that the poster of this should do a meal culpa. First, the story is a reprint from Jan. 2014 - see the date on the story. Second, they can't even use the correct form of loses (they used losses).
Posts by DJS
Russia to liquidate Jehovah's Witnesses' organization
by processor inhttp://starconnectmedia.com/2017/01/19/russia-gets-go-ahead-to-liquidate-jehovahs-witnesses-organisation/.
The great tribulation
by Allenbee inwhere does one find the truth after the watchtower ?.
according to the jw governing body... only jw's are left on earth after armageddon.. so i'm a private bible student and find jesus and all the prophets in total disagreement with this "gov body" who like all religions leaders, are actually the prophesied false christs.. please read math 24 straight... to see how to survive the great tribulation.
only after the great tribulation does the sign of our lord's presence appear.. this is not armageddon yet.. discussion from private bible students is most welcome..
Let me get this straight. The GB, ALL the religious leaders in x tianity including all the Popes, Billy Graham and Jack and Rexela - I'm assuming this includes all of them for the past 1900 tears or so , which would be in the tens if not the hundreds of thousands - have all gotten this End Time nonsense wrong.
Is that correct?
But you and you alone have the correct understanding where all of the other End Time wackadoodles failed.
And you came on this site wishing and hoping the ex dubs would lap up your version of the same song. Just a different verse.
And be amazed by your sageness and all knowingness of scripture and what God really has planned for us.
Have I missed something, sweetie? Does that just about cover it?
All apologies for offending the bag of hammers. Worst. most impotent troll ever.
There are a lot of nice people in the cult. The cult stresses living a life free from drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc. Those are admirable conditions but they are by no means singular in either respect. Lots of religions can say the same thing. Otherwise, I can't think of anything positive about it. Feel free to find any error in the following. You won't be able to other than spin, and if you truly have been on this site for 7 or 10 years and you aren't cognizant of these things then you are dumber than a bag of hammers and are wasting everyone's time. The Dark Lords have:
- Been preaching for over 100 years that they are the only religion on the planet with god's approval, that they and their followers are the only ones who will survive the upcoming Big A and that everyone else on the planet is deserving of a horrific death. You seem to be ok with that.
- Predicted the end on numerous occasions. They have been 100% wrong 100% of the time. 100%. Got that, SR?
- Destroyed hundreds of thousands if not millions of families by their evil shunning teaching and practice. The hurt, harm, deaths, health problems, etc. that have resulted from that evil teaching, if known in their full, would shock and dismay all of us. But apparently not you.
- Caused thousands of deaths to adults and children alike with their ridiculous, ever moving, ever changing anti-blood transfusion policy. Apparently you are ok with that.
- Due to their ridiculous dogmatic, pharisaical approach to interpretation, have caused hundreds of thousands of children to be sexually molested and raped. Apparently you are ok with that.
- Due to their oppressive rules and near rules, have kept individuals from fulfilling their hopes, aspirations and personal goals and ambitions. Millions of lives have been wasted due to these evil men, as smart, capable people have eschewed college for preaching, worked at low paying jobs as they were waiting for redemption and the slaughter of billions, grown old without the ability to adequately take care of themselves as a result and/or raised children in the same manner who have suffered from the near poverty, striving lifestyle. All for nothing. Get that, SR???
- Created so many rules, near rules, mini-me rules, almost rules, semi-rules, and if it walks, talks and acts like a rule it's a fucking rule rules with one intention: to set individual dubs against one another for the purpose of controlling them. And the dubs lap it up; the super pious uber dubs keep the pharisaic laws from the Dark Tower in Brooklyn and further mark those not righteous enough to do so.
That's just a few of my favorite things. That I hate about the Dark Lords.
Find an error in any of this. You won't be able to. But try.
God wants to remain unidentified
by anointed1 in1) books supposedly written by god contain errors.
2) people supposedly appointed by god make human rights violations.
and god does not prevent those things from happening.
What a narcissist. The following is an example of argument by intimidation, as the anointed1 likens truth with those who see god in a flower and conversely suggests that those who do not see god in a flower are not truth. At least I think that's what her holiness is trying to say.
@anointed!: "Thus a true seer is motivated to exhibit this unconditional love and people around him appreciate him as epitome of beauty, fragrance and sweetness!"
We pagans clearly aren't in the true seer category. Apparently we are false non-seers. Just like the Dark Lords used to say: only those truly seeking god will see him. And of course those truly seeking god were ONLY the Dark Lords. But apparently now we can add anointed1 to that group.
Buh bye your holiness; say hello to the Pope, the Dark Lords, or the Dalai Lama for us.
God wants to remain unidentified
by anointed1 in1) books supposedly written by god contain errors.
2) people supposedly appointed by god make human rights violations.
and god does not prevent those things from happening.
God wants to remain unidentified
by anointed1 in1) books supposedly written by god contain errors.
2) people supposedly appointed by god make human rights violations.
and god does not prevent those things from happening.
Anointed1 (could there BE a more pretentious, narcissistic screen name. Is that like the big number 3 on a Ralph Lauren polo shirt?? Is there an Anointed 2, Anointed 3 or Anointed 762,000? Or did the lineage begin - and end - with you? I mean really, do we need to know anything else after that?), as spin goes you are quickly becoming a master.
I suppose the fairies and unicorns are also hiding from us. Come out and play god, Daddys Lil Monster, Frodo, and Tinker. You too Satan. We know you're there.
You're getting very close to being a self appointed biblical and theological sage of all knowing ness. And you do know that's number 2 on my list, right after conspiracy theorists. Don't you?
Has the threat of being shunned caused the organization to be unclean
by poopie ini keep hearing stories of rank and file publishers involved in gross wrongdoing but because they fear of the possibility of being shunned they only tell those who will not report them to elders .
and they continue to go out on service and conduct bible studies and stay in good standing with cong even going to many social gatherings..
Unclean? The most unclean thing about the cult is the threat of shunning, not the normal, natural things that people do. -
A Mathematic Perspective on Evolution
by Saethydd ini would like to apologize in advance if any of my information on the biology side of this discussion is incorrect, because unfortunately it is not my strongest scientific subject on account of my being subtly encouraged to view it with distrust.. i've recently debated the of subject of evolution with my father, i made the argument that when viewed over several million years random mutation provides a more than adequate explanation for humans having evolved from a common ancestor with chimpanzees.
then he got this derisive look on his face a waved his hand saying "evolution's explanation for everything is the amount of time involved.".
so i decided i would examine this mathematically.
Geesh. All that noise just to get laid.
I don't understand that at all, making all that noise and using all that energy just to get laid. I mean, come on, wouldn't Mr. Cricket stand out more if he STFU??? Or he could impress by going to Cricket College and making something of himself. Or buy a cool, red, fast, low CricketCar. That would impress. Not that I have personal knowledge of such (ok, I do, so sue me). But if you've ever lived in a forest environment where the guy crickets go on and on and on and on and on and on. and on. you are glad that little fly found them. They annoy the living bejeebers out of people, so it's about time they learned to pipe down and find girls the way the rest of us do. Crickets clearly are a lower evolutionary life form. Really, where on the evolutionary ladder would you be if you just made a lot of noise, blathered on and on and on and on. and on. just to get laid. I for one am pulling for the little flies. Damned narcissistic, look at me, egocentric cricket guys. They got just what they deserve - standing outside the malt shop with their slicked back hair, their sunglasses, next to their hot car with their music playing so loud that it annoys the common folk. Just to get laid. Oh wait, that's me. Geesh. All that commotion. All those words. All that noise. Just to get laid. Blah, blah, blah, look at me, I can make noise. Pick me. Pick me. Pick Me.
Just to get laid.
Moscow City Court JW Restriction Verdict Today - 16-Jan-2017
by Da.Furious inon jw.org this is the first paragraph on the 12 january news on russia:.
on january 16, 2017, jehovah’s witnesses in russia will again seek to counter the decade-long tightening of restrictions on their religious freedom.
they will ask the moscow city court to rule that a warning against their national headquarters be rescinded as unlawful and unfounded.
The Russian anti-extremist laws were written in an intelligent manner. These laws have gradually become more restrictive and capable of being abused by law enforcement (aka Putin's thugs) and the court system. But they are not just affecting the Dubs. Mormons, Muslims, Evangelical Protestants, Scientologists, Adventists and even the Salvation Army have all been impacted by it.
The original law, circa 2002, stipulated that a religion could not espouse or teach its superiority over others. Vlad and his Impalers smartly understood that this one simple issue was behind so much of the world's historical and current strife and bloodshed.
Two of the law's provisions defined religious extremism as promoting the "exclusivity, superiority, or lack of equal worth of an individual" and "incitement of religious discord" in connection with acts or threats of violence. Later laws broadened the threat beyond acts or threats of violence, making this part: "exclusivity, superiority, or lack of equal work of an individual" and "incitement of religious discord' the primary focal points. The dubs were immediately in trouble and once again slow to modify their teachings, beliefs and literature. The dubs were immediately in the crosshairs due to the fact that their reason for existence is to teach and preach that they alone are the only true religion and the only one being used by god, Daddy's Lil' Monster and the only one that will survive the upcoming Big A.
It's not smart to eff with Vlad the Impaler. He has been known to murder his opponents.
The local law enforcement entities and the courts deemed any literature with extremist views as being in violation of the law. Every dub publication in their entire history espouses their singularity, superiority and casts governments, other religions and everyone else not a dub as being under Satan's control and worthy of destruction. How can any sentient person NOT believe this is extremist literature and these are extremist teachings? The difference here is that Russia made a very good law against these teachings and they are using increasingly thuggish tactics to enforce it.
It appears obvious that local law enforcement (aka Putin's KGB thugs) have planted 'evidence' against them. As I've said before, the manner in which the legal and judicial system reacts does not counter the fact that the original laws were very good indeed. Is the ROC behind this? Duh. Is Putin acting all KGBish. Of course.
It gets better. 2016 changes to the law make it illegal to proselytize outside of the officially sanctioned church building. No more home book studies. No more carts. No more knocking on doors on Saturday mornings to annoy people.
It gets better. The NWT has been determined to be extremist literature by some courts due to their use of the name Jehovah where it really can't be supported, the removal of the word 'cross', replacing it with stake - and where it really can't be supported. There are other NWT verbiage renderings that meet the same set of criteria for being extremist. For example, the Gideon bibles were recently deemed to be ok, and a Russian law in the '90s established the bible and koran, and religions such as x-tianity, buddhism, judaism, and islam as being part of the Russian heritage.
It gets better. Several of the Russian court cases the dubs lost have revolved around issues we despise and which should be banned from the planet, such as banning blood transfusions and disfellowshipping.
Don't cry for Brooklyn. Or Mordor, where the vile old men are heading soon to hide, lick their wounds and conspire while they control what they can - the rank and file through the wraiths (BOE) they send forth to do their evil bidding.