StarScream : The word "fact" means that it is proven, knowlege that is aquired from an accurate source. The fact is that most of your information that you have posted as factual is completely incorrect. Im sorry if you think this is a personal attack on you but it is just simply showing you that you need to do ALOT more unbiased research on the topic of being "gay" / "bi" before you come to a properly informed stand on what is actual fact and what is unbrideled speculation.
scotsman : Religion + Gay = Unsually doesnt grab my interest but I read your post anyway and it got me to thinking about religion in general.
I was at a recent screening of Trembling Before G-d, a documentary on homosexuals in the Orthodox community who want to be practising homosexuals and still be accepted as part of the Orthodox faith. (My opinion is that they're wanting to have their cake and eat it but I was interested in the reasoning).
I think the princable of having cake and wanting to eat it to is human nature. I thought back to what religion used to be about and what it is today and one could be fooled into beleiving that religion in general has become all to easy. I don't actually think religion is as static as most people perceive it, changes are made, beliefs are remolded .. time changes things, sometimes for the better and other times for the worse. When it all comes down to basics though I think that one day "homosexuality" will become quite widely accepted within most religions. Understanding of the different religions bibles and books of prophecy will change and no doubt they will stretch futher and futher away from most of the bibles teachings.
In my opinion the bible is just a book, there is alot of good intention in there, there is also alot of good advice but on the other hand the is alot of dictation in there, alot of power hungry forceful oppinionated people had influence on bibble writting.
I personally beleive in the Religion of the Heart. I think we are all born with the knowledge that we need, we all know that killing and such is wrong, we all know that cheating on our partner is wrong and that stealing is wrong etc. I don't think we need organised religion to lead us by the hand and tell us what to do. But of course there are quite alot of people out there that need exactly that.
Organised religion only has it's power over you when and if you give in to it, by surrendering your will and freedom of opinion and need for full self expression you have nothing else left but faith that you are being led in the right direction.