OK that was fun.
OK that was fun.
i've heard all my life, that anytime something good happened, we should thank jehovah for doing it.
if something bad happened, like being attacked by the "demons", it was because a person didn't have the complete "suit of armor" from god.
i know many of the "friends" that credit jehovah god for giving them a sunny morning, a pay raise at work or an end to their cough and cold.....were you one of those that believed jehovah was behind everything that happened in your life?
The most extreme case of this Jehovah does it all that I have seen was a sister who was my best friend. She was a bit looney. Her toilet was stopped up so she prayed to Jehovah. She called me on the phone to tell me the great news. Jehovah had answered her prayer. Her toilet flushed! No joke guys, honest truth.
My life on the other hand was a disaster. I didn't have much good happen to me that I could attribute to God. I would hear people claim that they prayed for a car and surprise, surprise they got a car. I just couldn't equate that with the knowledge that faithful brothers in third world countries had no shoes and struggled to have one meal a day. How come the owner of all the gold in all the mountains wouldn't give those faithful servants enough to eat?
those of you on this board who were given the big d -- how did you actually feel at the moment the chairman of the jc that dfd you said those words -- angry -upset -toatl relief -- yipee?
again sorry if there has been a post on this subject before --but an update for us newer ones never does any harm
I turned myself in. I had made a foolish mistake. I fell victim to a devious "brother" who as I found out later had seduced several "sisters" over the years. It seems that I was the only one to tell. First I called his wife to apologize to her then I called the elders. I had the usual interrogation and was told that if it happened again I would be DF'd. Someone reported to the elders that they saw the "brother's" car parked at my house all night. I was hauled on the carpet and DF'd. I was numb with disbelief. I had bought the car from him 6 months before. But once the elders had determined to DF me there was no stopping them.
It didn't bother me to go the KH every meeting and have the same people snub me just like they had before I was DF'd. What really got to me was how hateful those self-righteous ***8shdnx could be to my darling children. I sold my home and moved to another congregation. The people at the new hall were so nice and loving to my children even if they had to look the other way when it came to me. I was still convinced of the rightness of the WTS so I endured for Jehovah's sake. Silly me.
"to have one's individuality completely ignored is like being pushed out of life.
like being blown out as one blows out a light.
" ---evelyn scott.
People really do need to connect with each other.
When we or someone else says, "hello" or "Hi, How you doin'" it is not meaningless wasted words. It is a reaching out to make a connection, albeit brief. It is a feeler to see what response we get. Is the other person a friend or foe? Our eyes meet, a smile is exchanged, a nod of recognition. These things are very important to our well being.
The other day as I watched the news they were doing a piece on why someone helps a total stranger or the opposite, why someone will ignore the plight of a stranger. They set up a test on the beach. They went to a crowded beach, laid down a towel and left a bag on the towel, then walked away. Another person then came along and took the bag, walking away with it in full view of the other people on the beach. No one said or did anything to prevent the theft.
Next they did the same thing only this time the person laying down the towel said the "How you doin'" and "Great beach day" small talk with the neighbor beachgoers. Again they walked away, leaving the bag on the towel. The "thief" came by and picked up the bag and started to walk away only to have one of the "neighbors" yell and give chase. Two other of the "neighbors" joined the chase.
The only difference was the seemingly unimportant greetings to strangers, making a connection. We do crave attention.
Thanks for the post. It brought up an interesting human need.
i got this in an e-mail today and i just have to share.
cutesie alert!
timmy was a little five year old boy whose mom loved him very much.
I got this in an e-mail today and I just have to share. Cutesie Alert! Timmy was a little five year old boy whose Mom loved him very much. Being a worrier, she was concerned about his walking to school when he started Kindergarten. She walked with him the first few days, but he came home one day telling her he did not want her walking him to school every day. He wanted to be like "big boys." He protested so loudly that she had to find another way to handle it. She asked her neighbor Nancy if she would surreptitiously follow her son to school at a distance, but close enough to keep a watch on him. Nancy said that, since she was up early with her toddler anyway, it would be a good way for them to get some exercise so she agreed. The next school day, Nancy and her little girl set out behind Timmy as he walked to school with his friend Ronnie. This went on for a whole week. Timmy's friend noticed that this same lady was following them every day. Finally Ronnie asked Timmy, "Have you noticed that lady following us all week? Do you know her?" Timmy nonchalantly replied, "Yea, I know who she is." Ronnie asked, "Well, who is she?" "That's just Shirley Goodnest an' her little girl Marcy," Timmy said. Ronnie inquired further, "Well, why does she follow us every day like that?" "Well," Timmy explained, "every night Momma makes me say the 23rd Psalm with my prayers cuz she worries about me so much. And in it, the prayer says, 'Shirley Goodnest and Marcy shall follow me all the days of my life.' So, I guess I'll just have to get used to it."
i was driving by the new park yesterday and decided to stop and see what it was like.
there was a track for walking, running etc.
i decided to go a few rounds.
What a beautiful experience. There really are some nice people on this planet. It is great now to have the freedom to connect with them without having an ulterior motive of converting them.
2. [adj] abstaining from unlawful sexual intercourse
Married intercourse is chaste and lawful. It does not mean that they were celebate.
the league of nations and the united nations in prophetic speculation
how is it that so many individuals through the centuries have found such a pleasure in playing the role of prophet, despite the fact that their prophecies so seldom come true?
regularly their predictions fail, yet they go on with prophesying.
What! You mean that **gasp** **choke** the WTS is dishonest?
does not prove anything as to the Society's ability to prophesy; it just proves that they are able to plagiarize. For this, no divine inspiration is needed.
They are a society of plagiarists. Think about how many times we have sat at the KH "studying" the Watchtower and felt that we had been there done that. If it felt like we read that a few years before we really had read it before. The new Worship book is a remake of the old Worship book, minus a couple of troublesome chapters. Most of it is copied word for word. Same for the Aid book vs the Insite Books.
What Ministry School student hasn't copied word for word some past publication and given the talk "in their own words"? The mind numbed dubs congratulate the student on a job well done and when it's their turn they do the same thing. No instruction is given on the dishonesty of this practice.
After the student matures and goes to Bethel what incentive is there to change the behaviour? By the time he gets into the writing department the technique is fully perfected. Independent thought does not exist. Creativity of expression has no place at the WTS.
Amazing stuff.
i've read, and heard that sexual child abuse is not grounds for divorce according to the watchtower.
can anyone help me in finding documented proof to that effect?
(or even not so documented is a start).
Personal experience:
My daughter was molested by her father, not a JW but only an interested person. He was arrested. He threatened my daughter, age 12, and so she recanted to the District Attorney. I went to the elders when he was arrested. They advised me that they had talked with my husband and he denied the charges. In fact he had agreed to have a Bible study. He told them that he had disciplined the girl and that was her way of getting revenge. They believed him. I was told that under no circumstances was I free to divorce him. I was told that I should go home to my husband, be a better wife, train my children to be more obedient. If I did not do those things I could be blood guilty for stumbling the newly interested person.
It took me about seven months to plan my escape from him. During that time I was not a good wife and I never left any of the children alone with him even for a few minutes, even though that meant taking five children to the grocery store.
I have no idea if they were following secret elder instructions or not. I was never directed to any WTS publication as proof of what they said.
for the most part field service is a dull event-less drudgery.
but there are those rare times that something happens that makes it almost worth the effort.. while living in the state of washington i was privileged to meet a rare sister.
she was funny and a bit off the wall.
I have tears in my eyes. That poor angel!
And the single brother he must have been beside himself. You are probably guilty of giving him impure dreams. TOOOOOOO funny.
Good on you Micheal. Revenge is so hard to come by. What a golden opportunity!
Thanks everyone these are gems.