" He said: "Look out that you are not misled; for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, 'I am he,' and, 'The due time has approached.' Do not go after them" Luke 21:8
How many times have the WT said "The Time is at Hand"? (title of one of Russell's books)
If you do a search of the phrase 'Last Days' you can pretty much figure out that they were referring to the Temple Era being in it's last days.
Archangel01 Regardless of what the author of the 'Left Behind' series has written, you will not get away unscathed. Read and re-read Daniel 7:21-25 and Matthew 24:29-31 until it sinks in.
Matt 24 Dan 7
1) Tribulation 1) Harrassment of holy ones
2)Celesial darkness 2)Holy ones given into the hands of the harrassers
3)Sign of the Son of Man
4)Earth-wide lamentation
5)Son of Man visible on the clouds 3)Ancient of Days coming
6)Gathering of the 'Chosen Ones' 4)Ancient of Days deliver the Holy Ones
But no stress. Just "Be Excellent to each other" as Bill and Ted said. We do not know when it is all going down. Jesus said it wasn't our business to know. It is out of our hands. Our job is to just be nice.