There are many definitions of "love" and I chose to ask the author what their definition was since, by implication, they are saying that the GB are not loving.
In my opinion most people have a very naive view of love. They view it as an all-emcompassing feeling and/or action that is totally pure, selfless and enlightened. I think that that's a tall order for anyone to live up to.
What is also neglected is that humans are multimotivational. That is, we often have different, sometimes conflicting, motivations for our actions. Someone can have a sense of "love" for another while, at the same time, be promoting their own agenda. If I say to my mate that I love her am I so naive as to think I don't have a somewhat selfish stake in the matter? Of course I do.
I've had no personal dealings with any of the GB members. But, as to the organization they are in charge of, I have much experience (as has most everyone here). I see what some call the "unloving" practices of JWs --DFing, the blood issue, etc. -- as actually having some sense of love behind them, misguided as that love might be. Remember, that humans are multimotivational. Is the DFing policy just out of "love" for the sinner (ie, to awaken them to their senses, "tough love") or is it to "keep the congregation clean"? Or, in the case of someone like Ray Franz, is it to protect the Watchtower's ass? Many factors play in. I can't say they are totally "unloving."