Feel free to look back on my other posts about my mother and you will see how obviously mentally ill she is.
Then perhaps the real issue is your mother, not the JWs per se.
i was just remembering all the school i lost.
were you guys taken out of school too or is it just me?
i know my mother has mental health issues, so maybe it's just me that had this experience.in elementary school, i went home early any day they celebrated someone's b'day or had any holiday celebration.taken out of health classes for entire weeks while they discussed puberty and sex education.
Feel free to look back on my other posts about my mother and you will see how obviously mentally ill she is.
Then perhaps the real issue is your mother, not the JWs per se.
i was just remembering all the school i lost.
were you guys taken out of school too or is it just me?
i know my mother has mental health issues, so maybe it's just me that had this experience.in elementary school, i went home early any day they celebrated someone's b'day or had any holiday celebration.taken out of health classes for entire weeks while they discussed puberty and sex education.
I strongly suspect that you are exaggerating.
I've never heard of any US public school at any grade level discussing evolution "for entire months." Hell, I went to Chicago Public Schools all my life and I can count on one hand the number of times evolution was mentioned, which is a travesty. (And just look at Kansas!) Your statement above is, to be blunt, very suspect.- Taken out of Science classes, again for entire months while they discussed evolution.
years ago, in the watchtower's truth book, the chapter called "how to identify the true .
religion" offered a set of reasons for thinking that jw's had the "truth".. the very first "identifying mark " of "true religion" was stated as having "love among.
themselves" as jesus plainly said in john 13: 35 : "by this all will know that you are my.
When a small firm, let us say, with under 100 employees, hires a new worker they are often shown a lot of attention and receive a lot of smiles and "hello's." What you describe a "love bombing" is simply normal human social behavior.
What is more, I've seen plenty of new people at the KH -- either interested non-JWs or visiting JWs -- who were completely ignored by the congregation. I remember visiting some halls and wondering why everyone was so stand-off-ish. So, where was the "love bombing" then? As I like to say, the JWs are "damned if they do, damned if they don't" in the eyes of many "apostates." If the JWs show love, it's a false front, love bombing and they therefore are a "cult." If they JWs don't show love it's also because they are a rule-driven, Pharisaical cult. The JWs simply can't win in some people's minds.
As for me -- I experienced quite a bit of what I subjectively call "love" when I was a Witness. Big deal, say I. I didn't leave because I was a love slob deprived of love. I left because reason took me elsewhere.
years ago, in the watchtower's truth book, the chapter called "how to identify the true .
religion" offered a set of reasons for thinking that jw's had the "truth".. the very first "identifying mark " of "true religion" was stated as having "love among.
themselves" as jesus plainly said in john 13: 35 : "by this all will know that you are my.
I just feel it's silly to quibble between listing love first and listing love third. You are assuming that the order is important, but that is not necessarily the case. A list could be created in which all that is listed is of equal importance. Now, if they didn't list love at all you would have a point.
Personally, I think that any argument against the JWs in the area of love is always going to be murky and subjective at best. It's an emotional argument, one that I probably share with you, but an emotional one nonetheless. Love is a subjective emotion-thought-behavior. Some people think spanking children is completely unloving. Others feel that it is "tough love." Who am I to argue with a feeling?
When I left the JWs it was primarily due to facts, not feelings. I can prove that the JWs have a very distorted view of when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonians based on the archaeological evidence. I cannot prove, though, that the JWs are "unloving." You have just as good a chance as proving that the Japanese are "unloving" as you do the JWs.
I'll stick to the facts, thank you.
years ago, in the watchtower's truth book, the chapter called "how to identify the true .
religion" offered a set of reasons for thinking that jw's had the "truth".. the very first "identifying mark " of "true religion" was stated as having "love among.
themselves" as jesus plainly said in john 13: 35 : "by this all will know that you are my.
Love is a purely definitional, subjective, human construct. I think that's important to keep in mind whenever we criticise the JWs or anyone else as having a lack of it.
i ran out of happy pills sunday.
so monday i was feeling it.
when cnn started discussing peter jennings, death from lung cancer.
I've noticed a very large number of the ex-JWs I have met are smokers. I think cigarettes are especially appealing to ex-JWs since it is not only looked down upon by society, but was strictly forbidden by the Society. Smoking, therefore, is a form of rebellion. (Of, course, some people just like the taste and the feel)
I admit that I've tried a few puffs a couple times. I think it's really rather awful. And, it's deadly. If you want to reek of tobacco, sustain poor health and, in all probability, shorten the span of your life, by all means keep puffing away. I think it's the utmost foolishness.
years ago, in the watchtower's truth book, the chapter called "how to identify the true .
religion" offered a set of reasons for thinking that jw's had the "truth".. the very first "identifying mark " of "true religion" was stated as having "love among.
themselves" as jesus plainly said in john 13: 35 : "by this all will know that you are my.
I think debating the order of what the "identifying marks" of the "true religion" is pretty low on the importance scale. Not that I'm disagreeing with the substance of your post, metatron, but I do think you are being a little pedantic in making an issue in the numbering the Society uses to list these "noble" traits.
As I'm fond of saying, let us pick wisely the issues we wish to take up with the Society. When we debate minutiae like this it only makes us appear like nit-picking whiners.
how do so many people have similar experiences in "haunted" places if spirits didn't exist?
how do ouija boards work?
i recently purchased one and...i now know why so many people fear them.
It's funny how the most complex thing in the known universe, the human brain, is so easily capable of believing in bullshit. I recommend to anyone to peruse the number of skeptical websites on the web, especially www.skepdic.com. Check out Carl Sagan's "Demon Haunted World." Look through issues of Skeptical Inquirer and Skeptic magazine in the book store.
I actually tried to believe in God, panpsychism, new age stuff, etc. in my post-JW days. The full weight of the naturalistic worldview with it's much better and more parsimonious explanations of so-called "supernatural" or "inexplicable" events was just too much for the shoddy and skanty evidence in favor of spiritualism etc.
we just got back from texas'.
they had their annual tax free weekend.
with hotel, gas, food, and shopping, we spent $1000.00 easy.
John Doe,
I'm very familiar with Ayn Rand and her libertarian views. Been there. Done that.
Everything in life has it's costs and benefits. Yes, there are costs in mandating a dress code or school uniforms. I simply believe the benefits outweigh the costs.
we just got back from texas'.
they had their annual tax free weekend.
with hotel, gas, food, and shopping, we spent $1000.00 easy.
Do you actually believe that kids express individuality by wearing what they want to school? Kids are incredible conformists when it comes to clothing and fads. Give me a break. (And, to even insinuate that it smacks of communism is laughable)
The purpose of going to school is to educate and expand children's minds, not to flirt with the opposite sex, show off their jeans and sneakers or "express" themselves in rebellious conformity (rebellious to adults, conformity to their peers). Children don't go to school every day. Let them express their "individuality" (hahaha) on weekends.
Hell, I'm all for all-boys and all-girls schools too.