Just one thought to add to the others: man didn't evolve from chimpanzees, but from a common ancestor with the chimpanzees. There's a big difference and that answers the shortsighted Creationist question "If man came from monkey's why are there still monkeys?" Why? Because we didn't "come from monkeys." We evolved from an apelike ancestor whose lineage split into multiple lines, some of which became extinct and some of which evolved to the point where we have humans, gorrillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutangs. Very easy answer to a seemingly damning question.
There is no way in hell that when a chimp eats the "forbidden fruit" in Eden that he suddenly becomes a human. Sorry.
Evolution is an absolute fact of science, period. That does not exclude the possibility of a Creator at all, though. The JW and Creationist position on the subject is a farce and quite short-sighted.