No and no. Next question?
does true love exist?.
i'm a skeptic by nature, although not necessarily a very logical one.
i believe in love but i am not sure of the idea of one true love or soulmates.
No and no. Next question?
dude, and i apologize for saying this, but your avatar looks exactly like my father, a dub so devout he refuses to "embrace" me on the extremely rare occasions that we meet.
perhaps the resemblance isn't as severe as i think -- but shrunk down in a tiny picture, i see my father glaring at me as i sludge along with all of the other dogs on this board, returning to their vomit.
what's really strange is, i find much of what you write to be sensible.
Actually, I'm not (surprise). I usually wear glasses and am currently trying to grow a goe-tee. Damn. Any suggestions on how to do that? It's coming in all patchy, 'ya know?
Well, thanks for telling me I'm sensible. I'll try to keep it up, but some people might get offended. (Look what Farkel has gone through for being logical)
Aztec: How would you know I look cuter in person .
dude, and i apologize for saying this, but your avatar looks exactly like my father, a dub so devout he refuses to "embrace" me on the extremely rare occasions that we meet.
perhaps the resemblance isn't as severe as i think -- but shrunk down in a tiny picture, i see my father glaring at me as i sludge along with all of the other dogs on this board, returning to their vomit.
what's really strange is, i find much of what you write to be sensible.
well, i finally got a response to my letter, and it only took them almost three months!
models of efficiency, they are.
actually, big tex and i think they had to run this through the legal department.
Another corporate sounding letter. Did the apostles ever talk like this?
well, i finally got a response to my letter, and it only took them almost three months!
models of efficiency, they are.
actually, big tex and i think they had to run this through the legal department.
I've always noticed that the Society is rather two-faced when it comes to what it writes. To outsiders or any legitimate complaint, they are politically correct to an extreme and are masters of gentle obfuscation. But, in the WT or some other dumb publication (or from the stage!) they engage in highly emotionalized rhetoric, scare tactics, intellectual dishonesty and otherwise fanatical behavior. I wouldn't think for a minute that whatever the Society wrote to you is their genuine feelings on the matter.
And don't you love how you don't really know who wrote the damn thing?
god, i feel like doing that.
every time i come here i read things that make me boiling mad.
i want to scream!
God, I feel like doing that. Every time I come here I read things that make me boiling mad. I WANT TO SCREAM! I've sometimes thought about calling up Bethel and getting a "heavy" at the other end and calmly but firmly tell them what I think of them. Would it change them or my situation? No. But, it would feel damn good, I'm sure.
(Preferrably, I would like to speak to a GB member or JR Brown)
i want to vent and feel sorry for myself for a sec okay?.
if you don't like these sort of threads then please ignore.... i had/have a sucky father who abused me mentally and physically and a mother who looked the other way.
my grandfather was the p.o.
You know you mean so much to so many people, particularly this one . We all have our bad days, and that's when our friends come to help us see things with a different perspective. You've done that for me more than once, remember? I'm calling you tonight, dammit, so you better be home!
Your buddy,
do you believe that the dead are really dead, unconscious, without life, like the watchtower taught us, or do you think that they are still alive, but in another world or another form?.
do you believe that you had a previous life before this one?.
Good question. When we get right down to it, this really is what everyone wants anyway, right -- immortality? I mean, if you had your option of having a universe with God, but no such thing as life after death, or a universe without God and conscious existence after death who wouldn't choose the latter? Although most people think it is necessary for a loving God to exist in order for existence after death, this does not neccessarily have to be so.
Personally, I don't think the idea of conscious existence after death is impossible or illogical. Given enough time the human race might even find a way to download our consciousness into a computer and blast us off into space, living forevermore in the world of our mental choosing.
But, there is absolutely no evidence, to my knowledge, of life after death. Those "near-death experiences" and silly midday shows like "The Other Side" -- all balderdash. So, it seems to me that any belief in life after death is a matter of faith, nothing more. Something I put faith in? Perhaps. I'm reading Paul Davies "God and the New Physics" right now and it is nudging my worldview in a direction I would have thought unthinkable a few months ago.
were you a zealous defender of jehovah's witnesses?
are you now a zealous defender against the "truth"?
No. When I was a JW I was indoctrinated into the belief that if I didn't devote "mind, body and soul" to the preaching work I was bloodguilty and going to have a skyscraper fall on me at Armageddon. Now, I will gladly discuss the truth about the JWs or my personal philosophy with anyone who wants to talk about it -- but there is not a great urgency to do so one way or the other.
i really admire you.
you care so much about helping jw's to see the truth that you spare no personal expense to do so.
i hope to one day be half the person you have proven yourself to be.. shari
When I was researching my doubts about the JWs a couple of years ago, I ran across a number of articles written by Alan on the internet related to Watchtower science and the like. Since this area formed the core of my doubts I read them thoroughly. I must say that the logic employed by Alan is flawless and he helped give me clear-cut answers I had only a vague incling about. Since coming here a few months ago, I try and read Alan's posts as much as I can. He also answered a specific question I had in email.
Thanks Alan for everything you do in helping current doubting JWs and former JWs. I nominate you Prime Minister of the Apostates .