Is JW just another denomination?
Um, as opposed to.......?
hello :) i suppose this is my introduction to the forum, though i am not sure if i will actually post and read much here.
i did go through several posts, and didn't find anything helpful, though i did find many posts interesting... anyway, i am not a jehovahs witness.
i hope this doesn't immediatly diqualify me from posting this question here... but basically, i was wondering just what is jw?
Is JW just another denomination?
Um, as opposed to.......?
an update on bill bowen & his meeting with the wt.....this is an eyeopener and a disgrace on the watchtower:.
i am sitting here looking out the tenth floor window of my watchtower paid for room at the manchester holiday inn.
the events of the day before are difficult to comprehend as i reflect on what happened.
See! I knew it. I knew someone would take that comment and run with it. WTF people! Lighten up.
And, for the record, I DO think Bill Bowen has made some serious mistakes in his running of SilentLambs. Does that mean he has accomplished no good whatsoever? Absolutely not!
Geez, what is it with this goddamned issue that people get so bent out of shape about. Sometimes I get the feeling that unless you side in with Bowen 110% you are a Watchtower loveing, pedophile protecting ass. Please. There are shades of grey out there, just so you know.
an update on bill bowen & his meeting with the wt.....this is an eyeopener and a disgrace on the watchtower:.
i am sitting here looking out the tenth floor window of my watchtower paid for room at the manchester holiday inn.
the events of the day before are difficult to comprehend as i reflect on what happened.
Conversation circa 1973
"President Nixon is a cheat and a bad President"
"Say, sonny, what have you done in this country? Shut your young mouth, he's our President, punk!"
for all the people here on board that post, i wonder whether you think you're pretty smart.
for the record, i think i'm no dummy.
Well, there are different sorts of "intelligence" aren't there? There is the academic intelligence of logic, mathematical ability, facts, figures and grammer. Then, there is the "creative" intelligence of music, art, humor and storytelling. Then there is the emotional intelligence of connecting with people, sizing up situations, displaying empathy and being self-controlled. Even these three categories could be sub-divided further.
I am rather on the intelligent side when it comes to most academic matters, most notably language, science and history. On the other hand, I have almost no "creative" intelligence -- certainly not any musical ability or any of the other "arts." I'm getting better on the emotional side of things more and more.
So, if I had to give a "yes" or "no" answer I would say "yes." But, again, this affirmation is completely dependent on the situation.
an update on bill bowen & his meeting with the wt.....this is an eyeopener and a disgrace on the watchtower:.
i am sitting here looking out the tenth floor window of my watchtower paid for room at the manchester holiday inn.
the events of the day before are difficult to comprehend as i reflect on what happened.
All right, let's just admit it: Bill Bowen is the worst thing to happen to Apostasy since Michael Jackson.
an update on bill bowen & his meeting with the wt.....this is an eyeopener and a disgrace on the watchtower:.
i am sitting here looking out the tenth floor window of my watchtower paid for room at the manchester holiday inn.
the events of the day before are difficult to comprehend as i reflect on what happened.
A few thoughts:
First, I know this is a touchy subject, but Bill Bowen lost a lot of credibility with me after his insane attack of Ray Franz. Does he magnify and exagerate things? I think so. (Now, now, that does not mean I think he's a total liar or that there is not a problem w/ WT abuse policy. Don't jump on me for stating a moderate opinion on these matters)
Secondly, I agree that the tactics used in the questioning of BB are not unusual by any means. Of course, one would think that the most perfect and godly organization on the planet would be somehow different from your typical scum lawyer, but we all know the story behind that, right?
Ten to twenty thousand dollars of WT money spent on this matter is nothing -- a drop in the bucket, really. Bowen makes an issue here out of nothing. Yes, wounded puppy is a good analogy.
one of the more unusual secrets in my family is the fact that for years my mother has written every talk my grandfather -- an elder, the service overseer -- has given from the platform.
a little background: my grandfather was appointed ever since the elder arrangement was put in place in the early 70's.
he's originally from poland and his english is decent, but not great.
Yes, my mother can be cool. She also can be a whaked-out, philosophical ignoramus, but I still love her.
Bradley (you would HATE (and I mean HATE) my older sister, though
one of the more unusual secrets in my family is the fact that for years my mother has written every talk my grandfather -- an elder, the service overseer -- has given from the platform.
a little background: my grandfather was appointed ever since the elder arrangement was put in place in the early 70's.
he's originally from poland and his english is decent, but not great.
One of the more unusual secrets in my family is the fact that for years my mother has written every talk my grandfather -- an elder, the service overseer -- has given from the platform.
A little background: my grandfather was appointed ever since the elder arrangement was put in place in the early 70's. He's originally from Poland and his English is decent, but not great. When he started to give public talks (or any talks, for that matter) he would ask my mother for some assistance in how he should say things grammatically. My mother would also type his talks for him as he dictated to her. Fair enough. Well, over the years my mother's "input" became greater and greater as my grandfather got older. Well, it got to the point where, for about the last twelve years or so, my mother has produced the talks completely on her own! Here's how it works: my grandfather simply informs my mother he has a talk coming up and she writes it for him -- en toto.
Now, this is all very understandable, mind you. My grandfather is going to be ninety years old this year and, giving ten to twenty minute talks is not something the average person in his age group is doing (he no longer gives public talks). But, I'm sure if his fellow elders (or the CO!) found out that the two talks he gives each month, as well as all his service talks, were the complete work of a fifty year old sister, well, I think that would raise some eyebrows!
Actually, I think it's kinda cool. My mom, the "secret elderess." HA!
Bradley (so, the question is, does she have Jehoober's Spirit in all this?)
could it be that some of the posters on this board suffer from ''stockholm syndrome''?
i wonder how some of them can claim to be jw's, post on an ''apostate'' board, even complain about the borg a bit, but still attend meetings, stand up for the doctrines, and even attempt in an odd way, to shun all the other posters.
for those who don't know the term stockholm syndrome, it is when a victim knows the perpetrator is hurting him/her, but begins to empathise, and even help them continue the harm.
Ha! No, I'm not that much of a geek. I got the pic's from another site. I don't own any science fiction memorablia. Really, I don't. No, seriously. Why don't you believe me? Haha
could it be that some of the posters on this board suffer from ''stockholm syndrome''?
i wonder how some of them can claim to be jw's, post on an ''apostate'' board, even complain about the borg a bit, but still attend meetings, stand up for the doctrines, and even attempt in an odd way, to shun all the other posters.
for those who don't know the term stockholm syndrome, it is when a victim knows the perpetrator is hurting him/her, but begins to empathise, and even help them continue the harm.
little witch,
I'm sorry. I did kinda hijack your thread. As so many say in the judicial committees, "One thing just led to another.." haha
Well, my username "logansrun" is inspired by the 1976 movie "Logan's Run" which is about a world of total pleasure except for one catch -- all life must end at thirty. Those who wish to question this are known as "runners" and try and find "sanctuary" -- life outside the futuristic city in which they live. Of course, the story closely parallels leaving the JWs -- the people of the city were told that this "death at 30" philosophy was the only way to go; the best way. I think you can fill in the rest.
It's really a great flick, full of cheesy special effects, some bad acting and scantily clad women. There's rumors it's going to be remade in the near future. Read all about it at