For all the people here on board that post, I wonder whether you think you're pretty smart. For the record, I think I'm no dummy.
So, Do You Think You're Smarter Than Most?
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
We all have something to learn from each other, I have certainly learnt a lot from other people on this board minimus, yourself included.
I'm no dumbass , I'm just like verybody else. I show the odd sign of intelligence one minute then become a fool the next. Such is life.
Define "smart".
IW, I hate those followup questions. If I ask you do you think that you are good-looking, you know what good looking is. If I ask you your opinion as to if you think you are a dumbass, even Hamas can answer that!.......Hamas, why do I read your comments and always seem to chuckle (well almost always)?
Lady Lee
define Most
I grew up being told I was stupid and would never amount to anything
I was forced to quit high school after grade 10 and believed for many years that I wasn't good at some subjects
When I applied to go to college as a mature students I found my grade 10 transcript and was surprised to find out that the subjects I thought I was really bad at were actually pretty good marks
So off to college I went for 6 semesters and got on the Dean's list 5 times - graduated with honors top 3 of the class
So in that course with that same group of people I did pretty darned good for someone who was supposed to be stupid (or they were really really dumb)
I didn't do as well in University - too many other things going on (single parenting of 2 teens, working full time, school part-time, therapy, divorce, surgery, leaving a cult) but I still did well
I have learned I have an aptitude for a wide range of things
And as smart as I have learned that I am I can still make some pretty stupid choices
so I better smarten up eh?
I'm above average in all catagories.
except spelling.
What do I mean by "think"? Hmmm......I tend to think that critical minds are "smarter" than non-critical minds. Here's a good debate statement.
IW, I hate those followup questions.
LOL, that was funny!
Actually Minimus, even the meanings of "good-looking" and "dumbass" are subject to personal opinion and preference.
Just having fun Minimus. Never ever take anything I say seriously, only truthfully.
I think I'm pretty good at grasping concepts and academically have always been above average. On the other hand, as per my dad, I've always had a lack of common sense. I do think I've gotten better in that area after making many foolish mistakes and learning from them.
Still, I act a fool from time to time, deliberately or not.
IW, my next thread will be,"When you hear "dumbass" or "good looking", who do you think of?". I never realized how intelligent Island people could be.