JoinedPosts by Garrett
DOCUMENTS: Candace Conti v Watchtower – Court of Appeal Decision - April 2015
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the court of appeal decision and documents relating to conti v watchtower, including appeal documents and jury trial transcripts.jw leaks | conti v watchtower (court documents).
congratulations candace on your win and thank you for proving watchtower was negligent in your suffering and in not protecting children.
one person can make a difference.
Do Kingdom Hall congregations communicate with each other?
by Faithful Witness inwhen asked, my mom denies that they do.... do local congregations pass along gossip or reports on householders in the area?
specifically, i am wondering if they might report on (unbaptized) family members that live in other towns?.
since the abrupt ending of my bs with miss k, i have not heard from the jw's at all.
First time they publicly admit this or not?
by TimDrake1914 ini came across this on the newest wt study edition for 7/15/15 pg.
9 par.
14:"they remember when congregations had a congregation servant rather than a body of elders, when countries had a branch servant rather than a branch committee, and when direction was given by the president of the watch tower society rather than by a clearly established governing body of jehovahs witnesses.
Is door to door activity over?
by badcompany injust curious about others experience.
i've been living just a few miles from a kingdom hall for 9 years.
i've been called on 0 times.
In my part of the world, it's still around, but is being taken over by mobile stand witnessing.
as for you not being called on... You may be on the DNC list. If this hall was your old hall or if it is close to your old hall, then you will be on it. If not, then there's a problem with them.
Hold Me, Thrill Me
by Hold Me-Thrill Me ini'm going to be honest and from the heart when i say that for 40 years in the jw religion i was very happy in my ignorance!
man, what a trip it was.
i loved every minute of it but then i was absent the bad in my religion.
Hi and welcome
regarding your comment about flaws. My thoughts:
first, the Israelites didn't listen to jehovah and what happened in the end? Jehovah disowned them.
second, using jw logic, all religions other than the organization belong to satan, so does every government, thus of course they would be flawed, however, we are talking about a religion who is supposed to have gods backing 100%. Do you think we would be seeing things such as failed end of the world predictions, child sex abuse issues, new light over important issues with explanations that are very difficult to grasp, etc from an organization that had jehovahs blessing and and his holy spirits backing?
Did the apostles in the first century have new light and did they make false predictions?
lastly, you say there aren't any options out there. I ask, do you need options? Do you need religion to worship jehovah?
i wish you the best and apologize if I've repeated anything anyone has said,
National Sibiling Day and Jehovah's Witnesses
by wannaexit inin most of the usa and canada april 10 is national sibling day.
the witnesses are all in a frenzie actually celebrating this in my area.
yet in a few months these same people will shun mother and father's day.
Is This a JW on The TV show called Horders?
by greenhornet in
this is the link.
however it may not work because i am logged in on my account.
I knew a VERY bad hoarder who was a witness with a mental illness. She used to hoard animals and was taken to court for it. Her house was seized and she decided to go to the press to try to get everything back... Unfortunately it backfired. I was looking forward to finding out whether or not it was her, but sadly, I can't watch the video from where I'm at in the world... SighLink +2 / -1 -
Being in a cult - what good did it do?
by Garrett inso, here's a bit of a different point of view.
while most of us will agree that our time within the jw cult was rather terrible, however, i'd like to look at another aspect.
did anything good come out of being in a cult and then waking up from it?.
Being in a cult - what good did it do?
by Garrett inso, here's a bit of a different point of view.
while most of us will agree that our time within the jw cult was rather terrible, however, i'd like to look at another aspect.
did anything good come out of being in a cult and then waking up from it?.
Hello everyone,
so, here's a bit of a different point of view. While most of us will agree that our time within the jw cult was rather terrible, however, I'd like to look at another aspect. Did anything good come out of being in a cult and then waking up from it?
for example, for me, I have a much greater appreciation for life. The way I will spend the rest of my life and my outlook on it has changed drastically and to be honest, I doubt I would have had this outlook if it weren't for being in a cult.
im also able to be extremely objective when it comes to any sort of religious discussions since I have known both sides of the argument personally.
lastly, I am more open minded than I have ever been. Waking up has essentially told me that anything could be true and not to discard any ideas without thorough research.
what about you, how have you improved?
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Hi Everyone. Answer to prayer countdown...
by Stumpy ini've been lurking for about 3 months now and thought i'd better finally sign up.
you have all been an immense help to me as i have come to realize that this isn't the truth so i want to say a great big thank you!
what a crazy, emotional ride it is to finally face the truth about the doubts that i have carried for many years.