One word...EPIC. Very nicely done.
As you already know, be ready for follow up and show 'em who's boss!
so i dropped this comment to someone from "my" congregation...... "i just don't like being lied to".... this was in response to their attempt to become my 'bff' (i'm sarcastically using the expression 'best friends forever' here).
i ran into them in the street.
they started chatting all about the cong gossip, teachings, upcoming witness events etc.... i was just quiet and not really contributing to the conversation.. when she asked "so what's new with you?
i have often wondered if there is more harm done to people who are stifled or smothered from expressing their natural conduct, feelings or actions because of it being condemned by religious ideals?.
so if a person keeps suppressing their real personality and tries to mould themselves to the "perfect" or "ideal" version as expected from those controlling them, could they eventually "bust" so to speak?.
for instance, witnesses condemn many forms of entertainment.
Uh... I don't mean to be blunt, but the answer is an obvious yes...
Being told to be someone you aren't will end up with you failing to meet expectations, which in turn will lead to constant guilt and feelings of worthlessness.
Constant feelings of guilt and not feeling worthwhile can cause depression which can then escalate to self abuse, suicidal thoughts and mental illness that can be extremely hard to recover from. One day, they will most certainly have a mental blow out.
While trying to correct certain tendencies is fine, suppressing an entire persona will, most usually, only have negative effects on the person.
me ?
my after meeting ritual, is getting my suit off, and a beer in my less than 2 minutes from entering my door.
the brother and his wife thought the statement at the end of this month's broad cast show was a little off.
the org stated that jehovah's organisation can not be corrupted.
(needless to say only three had shown up for the broadcast meeting at the hall) he's never heard that before so we filled him in as to what the org has been up to and gave him jwnet, jw facts as well as jw survey to look at.
a bit of introspection on this one ... just read on someone's post that a compliment makes him "float" for hours, and it got me thinking; within the spectrum of comments that people make about me, from compliment to criticism, which is the type that most affects me?.
after my experience as a jehovah's witness, i find that i've become suspicious of compliments and over-sensitive to criticism.
because a common technique of elders was to compliment someone before going down to business, that is, giving hard counseling or discipline.
the site seems to have slowed up has everyone gone for their spring break?
"if you heard a judge tell a jury not to listen to a single word the accused had to say, what would your reaction be?
" .
"why are you forbidden by the org from hearing a dis-fellowshipped person's side of things?
ok, so i politely let an elder in our cong know how i felt about the gossip and slander that has been levelled at me.. he has been pushing to find out how i feel about the events of the last few months.. i calmly replied: .
"well, i know that it was foretold that oppressive wolves would enter the flock and treat many harshly.
i stood up to such harshness against many in our cong, then i was turned on and had accusations levelled against me!
Good evening, guys,
So, I just found a song that I really enjoyed and thought I'd share it with you. I know that most of you probably don't have the same taste in music as I do, but I hope you enjoy the song nonetheless.
in addition to that, I wanted to thank you all for your comments on my 1975 prediction post. I am still waiting for the elder to contact me but I now have a clear understanding of what's going to be said and how to respond.
Peace, love and have a wonderful weekend,