JoinedTopics Started by RevFrank
Prophecy: Old & New Text Of Coming of Messiah= God in the Flesh
by RevFrank in
Finding The Truth
by RevFrank inwhy is it so hard to find truth in the bibe?
there's an easy allow other influnces to enter into your conclusions.. i mean let's take a scripture.....1 john 5:1.....the very beginning it says, "whoever........" that word, whoever," means every living being that ever was..ever will be..on this earch that reads that word means all of us.........yet...the watchtower kicked out and disfellowshipped cris & norma sanchez..which was head of the spanish translation commettee.
the sanchez were responable for, all, spanish translations through out the world.
Be Careful Whom You Tell You're A Witness
by RevFrank ina friend of mine had a little different happening.
i'll call her andi.
well andi was a witness, single, and decided to go visit a bar she heard about in san bernadino california.
Watchtower Teach That Jesus Is A Spirit?
by RevFrank inmany witnesses say that when jesus was resurrected he came back as a spirit.
yet their own authority, new worlds translation of the holy spirit, state different.........."see my hand and my feet, that is i myself; feel me and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones just as you behold that i have.
"(luke 24:39).
Jesus+ Ministers+Heaven
by RevFrank ini had a friend call me the other day(monday).
he asked me if jws feel they are ministers.
then he told me to go to john 12:26,(nwths) reads....," if anyone minister to me, let him follow me, and where i am there will be my ministery also.
Pit & Locusts
by RevFrank ina few years back i was given a tract on the jws and their book on quite neat so i created a web site on's by peter barnes and he did good on it......
it took me a few days to find's still good today....
What Is A Religious Cult
by RevFrank inbeing around comparative religions for almost 50 years i've seen many religions come and go.
of course a cult is basically when people get together and follow what ever it may be.
now when we come to religions...anything can go...why?
What Would Jesus Do?
by RevFrank ininteresting topic...i've been thinking about any topic, then i ran into this one..why?
just think....jesus didn't come into this world to judge, but to love and serve.
Jews 4 Jesus....Do they believe and what do they believe.
by RevFrank inmany years ago i started talking to the jewish community.
and a part of my heritage, i have jewish blood flowing through me, also.
but that's not importanbt at the moment..what is, is that do the jews believe as a christian?....