Cool, mine is almost here! January 13. I would love to have birthday messages posted here. And a few computer generated presents would be welcome, too
Great idea.
c'mon guys, we can celebrate our birthdays!!!.
post your birthdate here and let us know how you want to get your 'birthday card' (email, post on the board, text message, soaped-up kyliegram!).
my birthday is october 16th and i'd be happy to receive any of the above.. .
Cool, mine is almost here! January 13. I would love to have birthday messages posted here. And a few computer generated presents would be welcome, too
Great idea.
someone every special to me referred me to this site.
i dont really know where to start so i will just go for it.
my name is laura and i am 20. i am married with no children (yet) i want to share my story.
Welcome to the board! I haven't been here long myself, but I haven't worked up either the nerve or time to post my life story yet. Yours was inspiring, and I am happy that you have such a wonderful life outside the "borg". I look forward to getting to know you better.
Much love,
did you know cassius clay (better known as muhammed ali) was named after a white reformist and abolitionist?.
food for thought class.
First, to address the original theme of this thread, many blacks were named after their slavemasters, it was another way of taking away their identity. It may be a great thing that Cassius Clay freed his slaves, but that does not change the fact that their 'real' name was lost to them. If Muhammad Ali chose to change his name so it would not reflect the name of the person who owned his ancestors, he certainly has that right. After all, Cassius Clay could not have FREED the slaves if he did not first OWN them. His story seems interesting, and he should definitely go down in history as one who fought to end slavery, as should many untold others.
As to the demeaning tone of some of these messages, to say I am disappointed would be a tremendous understatement. Valis said "Is this fight before or after they have Parkinson's? At least after they both got the disease from beating their heads in" Hopefully you are intelligent enough to know Parkinson's does NOT happen because of boxing. Talk to Michael J. Fox about that. Tom Talley whoops it up at the thought of Muhammad Ali being a "peace loving muslim". News for you, buddy, Muhammad Ali's point was he did not know the Vietnamese people, and had no argument with them, and would not go fight for "peace" in another country when he could not have "peace" in his own. While we should all be proud of the many black men and women who serverd their country and lay down their lives for freedom, I don't see how you can find fault with someone who did not agree with that theory. For many minorities at that time, America was a place of contradictions. They could not drink out of a "white only" water fountain, ride in the front of a bus, hold a certain job, live in a certain area, etc, yet they are supposed to go overseas and fight for their country. I totally understand why there were those who wouldn't do it, whether I agree with it or not I UNDERSTAND. I don't think changing his name was cultish, it was a way of casting off what he felt was a tie to his families slave past.
Let me say, I don't consider myself a fan of Muhammad Ali in particular, but neither do I hate or look down on the man. He has done and said some great things, and he has done and said some stupid things, much like all of us here. Fortunately for us, we are not in the public light to have everything thrown back in our faces all the time. But the bashing should stop, he certainly has done nothing deserving of this meanness.
this subject has bothered me for 5 years now.. eventually the day will come where i'll need to tell my folks i'm no longer a jw.
my oldest son (who is 3) is getting to the age where he talks about everything from birthday cakes to christmas trees.
we were able to get away with birthdays and holidays so far, but now is becoming increasingly difficult to stop him from talking about them when the family's around.. should i write a letter?
Hi, Yellowlab,
It's hard to decide what to tell and not tell, but the fact is, you are an adult, and since it's obvious your "family" isn't close enough to you to know your daily moves, perhaps it won't be as difficult as you think. They probably suspect, and I would really leave it to them to ask. Depending on how they approach you, you could say you don't feel comfortable discussing religion, or you could just say you love God, and are trying to please him and only him. Whatever you decide, please know that you have a ton of support here, and be grateful that you are seeing with clear eyes. Good luck and much love.
Happy (of the don't ask, don't tell class)
just been clearing some space in my house and deciding what to get rid of.i have a whole rack of "meeting clothes" shirts , suits ties etc that i have never worn since i left.i kept a few shirts and a couple of suits just in case i need them sometime.what a load of money those clothes most have cost extra good reason for leaving, and think of all those dry cleaning bills you'll miss as well.bad luck if you work in an office.
I gave a lot of my "old fashioned" meeting clothes to charity. I kept the ones that were relatively stylish, since I work in an office. In my case, it was the shoes I had to dump. I didn't even want to give those ugly, low heeled granny looking shoes to charity, they were just UGLY!! But great for field service
my formal education ended with high school.
i did a couple of semesters of college work but it really doesnt count.
i believe that almost any kind of legal employment is honorable depending on how we approach it.
My mom and sister both pursued their degrees while in the borg. I'm not sure how my sister managed it, and she is still in school. Her husband is an elder, too, so you would think it would cause a stir. I did not pursue college, but only partially because I was a dub. If I am honest, I will admit I was also lazy. Still, I really think my mental laziness came from being told repeatedly that secular education was unnecessary (when I was little there were older ones telling me I would never graduate from high school because Armegeddon would be here before then). I am fortunate that I am intelligent (no boasting, just the truth) and even without a degree I have a pretty good career. I think probably those raised in the borg tend to have less secular education because it is discouraged, but those who join later may not have had that obstacle, and therefore have at least an Associate Degree. It's not that I think witnesses are uneducated, so much as I think they are unenlightened. There are also witnesses who just plain BELIEVE. You can't question their intelligence any more than you could a devout Catholic (given their scandals) or pretty much any other religion. Great topic for thought!
Jesus and his disciples did not have 5 meetings a week, as a matter of fact, the Bible does not even mention a weekly meeting. I think in this aspect, meeting could simply be exchanging encouraging words. After all, God did say where two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am also. Or, maybe reading this and other enlightening web sites, and sharing thoughts and views is a form of meeting
a co-worker who sits across the isle from me was recently arrested for molesting a 10 year old girl.
my employer has let him come back to work since he has not been convicted yet.
the rest of the staff were notified by management to not talk to this guy about anything non work related.. it is really going to be hard not so say something to this slug.. what would you do if you had to sit next to a pedophile at work?
I don't know how you do it. I would be fired immediately for telling his sick, deviant a** off! There is no way I would pretend not to know what was going on. I don't think it's fair that your company has him sitting in the general area. I know the justice system says "innocent until proven guilty", but in this situation, can't he work from home or something? What if other people find out he's there, and try to hurt him, thereby hurting another person? Isn't that endangering the welfare of others? You poor thing, you have my TOTAL sympathy.
have you noticed how certain trends in the congregation are often started by one person, and then it spreads to most of the congregation.
for example, in my congregation years ago, just about everyone had a dodge airies.
that was an inexpensive popular car in the service then.
Our congregation definitely did the cruise thing. I went on two with a big group of like 40 people. Also, in a congregation in a close city, home schooling was popular for a while, then there was a "Witness" school. Of course, that did not last long, those kids were horrible!
Hi Stephanie, and welcome. Are you an ex dub, or just know some dubs? You will find a wonderful variety of people and experiences on this board, and you can have fun with many of the posters here. Glad to have you!!