But, if you disagree with a teaching, how could you in good conscience go out into the ministry and teach others about it? And if you don't go into the ministry, you likely will receive a sheperding call from the elders wondering why you aren't going. If you explain honestly that you don't agree with a teaching, you would be asked questions such as "Do you believe the WTS is Jehovah's organization here on earth?" and things along those lines until you are either forced to "change your mind" or you will be branded an apostate. Please don't say this is an exaggeration, it is precisely what happened to a number of people. So, either lie and say you believe, or be forced out. That's your choice. You are not allowed to disagree, even mentally, because that leads to certain actions that will lead to pressure to "take a stand". It's one of the reasons I left, I had to be free to believe what made sense to me, not just what I was told to believe.