Hey girls,
I hate stockings also, but like Teenyuck, I work in a "professional" atmosphere that generally requires them if you are wearing a skirt or dress. I have taken to wearing lots of pantsuits, but I wear the knee high stockings. And actually, I just broke my foot, so I can't wear heels of any sort for a while Yippeeee!!! As for nails, I have good genes, and my nails grow fast and strong, but with a full time job and a young child, it's hard to find time to paint them. Plus, for some reason, I always get smears on the papers I work with when I wear colored polish. Not like my nails are wet, but just like I drag them across the paper or something. Even finishing with a clear coat doesn't seem to help. Anyone else with that problem?
I don't do enough with my toes, but I have a parafin spa at home, and about once a month or so I try to give myself a nice treatment. My husband horns in on the foot soak, but I haven't been able to get him to try the wax. He says it looks painful, like when I pluck my eyebrows.
Well, I would love to stay and play, but I'm off for a full weekend. Meet you all back here Monday for more girl talk (or cawfee tawk)
Happyout (happy to have kicked it with the girls for a moment)