Thanks, may we all strive to be more like this outstanding human being!!
JoinedPosts by happyout
Happy Martin Luther King Day!
by Valis inhappy martin luther king day!.
i always look for good websites for my students to view and since today is mlk day i was in search of a good one for them to look at this week.
this one is from stanford university and has lots of documents, an interactive chronology, audio, quotes, etc... if the story of his life interests you then i highly recommend it.
Black reparations
by LoneWolf inhi, everyone.. a week or so ago someone posted on the subject of black reparations and asked what our opinion was - pro or con - and why.
now, i'm not going to claim that i'm an expert on the subject, plus, i'm white, plus, i'm a back country red-neck (of the jeff foxworthy stripe .
well, the truth is that country red-necks are as badly misrepresented in public opinion as most other groups in the country.
I hate all this talk about reparations, for several reasons.
1) It attempts to put a monetary value on the horrors of slavery and its aftermath, which is impossible to do.
2) There is no way to realistically decide who should and should not receive them, where the money should come from, and the manner it should be distributed.
3) It causes animosity and divides people who need to work together to create a better world.
That doesn't mean I don't understand some of the reasons some people feel blacks should receive them. I hear a lot of talk about "slavery was hundreds of years ago, people should get over it, it's not a factor anymore". That is absolutely blind thinking. For the hundreds of years that blacks were enslaved, they were also being mentally conditioned to believe they were inferior, to fear whites, and they were taught to mistrust and demean one another. They were often forced to fight amongst themselves for meager food and shelter, they were rewarded to turning one another in for "crimes" (like trying to learn to read and write, trying to escape, etc) and those of them who were lighter in skin color were treated better than those who were darker. The fact that this skin tone was usually because a black woman had been raped by a white man did not matter, those who were lighter had an "easier" life. This went on for HUNDREDS OF YEARS. So, then Lincoln comes in and frees the slaves. Bravo. Blacks are promised 40 acres and a mule, which they do not receive. However, it didn't stop there. The broken promises continued. America promised equality, yet up until the late 60's there were laws forbidding blacks to attend certain public places, drink from water fountains, black boys were LYNCHED for LOOKING at white women, blacks could not hold certain jobs, etc. Black families were often denied aid from the government if there was a man in the home, therefore, in order to help their families, many men left. Now, imagine what that does to a group of people mentally. You are being shown again and again that your life is less valuable because you are black. Even the "justice" system shows favoritism. Statistics show that blacks and other minorities receive harsher punishment for the same crime than whites. Let's not even get into the media depiction of blacks. Then there are a lot of people who say education is the answer. This is about the closest to the truth as it gets, however, it is still not enough. There was a recent study done at Harvard, where they sent resumes to various respected companies. The resumes were identical in qualifications, but the names were changed so that some of them sounded "ethnic". Those that sounded "ethnic" were routinely rejected, while at the same time the "generic" names were called for interviews. Let me repeat, the qualifications were IDENTICAL. Again, you are telling a group of people that no matter what they do, they are not as good as others, based on nothing more than skin color. Level of education was discarded.
Blacks in America also have a unique loss that does not affect any other race. They have no "language". With all other minorities, hispanic, asian, native american, etc. there is a language that can be used as a unifying factor. Blacks do not have this, and it has destroyed the sense of culture that so often rescues the downtrodden. It is difficult to create a sense of pride and history where there is no unifying factor.
Let me state at this point that I am black. I am a woman. I was raised in a "dysfunctional" home. However, my mother had a strong heart and mind, and a strong belief system that helped her get off welfare, buy a house, and raise her 5 children to become responsible members of society. We are homeowners, we all have jobs, and none of us has ever had issues with the law. Because of being raised "dubs" we were not encouraged to pursue secular education, however, we are still all at moderately well paying jobs because of our work ethic and intelligence. So, I may be a prime example that people would point to to try and prove that affirmative action is not needed. Let me say, I am more than aware how unique my family is. It is rare for a woman to have accomplished what my mother did. It is rare for a family to overcome the difficulties that we have. I understand why so many black people aren't able to do it. I understand the ingrained belief that no matter how hard they try, they can't do better. I understand that they don't think the system is set up fairly, it's not. And, as much as I hate to admit it, I understand why some just give up. Don't misquote me, I didn't say I agree, I only said I understand. I personally am unable to imagine feeling such despair that I drink my life away, or do drugs, or settle for a menial low paying job without trying to better myself. Yet, I can't ignore the fact that those hundreds of years of mental enslavement, and the ensuing years of prejudice and mistreatment have beaten many people into passive mode. They are waiting for a better life in the "next" life.
I gave my reasons for being against reparations at the beginning of this rather long message. That doesn't mean I think nothing should be done. Unfortunately, I haven't come up with an answer that would translate to realism. Personally, I think the writer of this message is very intelligent, and trying to think in a positive manner. If only the majority of the country did that, we would be going in the right direction. Sadly, he is the minority.
Edited by - happyout on 20 January 2003 13:54:19
wasasister's BIRTHDAY TODAY
by Scully inyes, it's true!!
on this thread:
wasasister admits that it is her birthday today:what a nice birthday surprise this was!
If you hate getting older, just consider the alternative
Woman Are Inferior?
by JH inin the watchtower world, woman are just about nothing.
they hold no responsibilities in the congregation except cleaning the toilets and not much more.
we all know that woman are just as intelligent as men, and some could even be good elders.
I think that certain people use their interpretation of the Bible to put women down, much the same way they tried to justify slavery. There are examples in the Bible of women taking the lead, and being prophets of God, but not too much is made of that. One of the apostles said "I do not permit a woman to teach" and people have taken that and run wild with it. There are many religions,however, where women are allowed to teach and preach, and that is good. Remember, for many people the best way to feel good about themselves is to put someone else down. That's the real reason some say women should not be allowed to teach or preach.
CBS Survivor 6, Meet Deaf Contestant Christy Smith
by Yizuman inthey have a deaf contestant for survivor 6!!.
check out her profile.
i hope she makes it.. yizuman.
Ok, I think she will win. One of the things about Americans, we seem to feel guilty about people with physical handicaps. I can't imagine anyone voting her off, unless she is a complete and total moron. I remember one season of Big Brother, they had a guy on there with one leg. I said from the first show he was going to win, there was no way the public would vote him off, and I was right.
my dad died
by termite 35 indear everyone, my dad died suddenly and unexpectedly at the weekend.he did'nt turn up for a family dinner and my husband and i went to see if he was ok.he was dead.collapsed in his home.i can't stop shaking and i feel really sick.i've lost my mum and now my dad too.i wish i could sleep for months and wake when the pain has finished with me.
it hurts so much .sorry to bring everyone down-but i'm stressed at having to sort out his arrangements due to the autopsy and funeral etc and the house and my feelings.
; i just wanted to tell you all as my husband's gone for a walk and the children are asleep and i'm feeling scared about viewing his body, but i know i'll have to and i feel guilty for feeling like that.stupid thoughts racing through my mind at the moment-need to 'hear' a friendly voice .
I'm so sorry. I lost my dad in 1999, and it was the worst. I learned, though, that happy memories really do help. May those memories bring you comfort in the coming days.
Why don't JW's mind their own business?
by unbeliever inespecially when you were never baptized and have not been an active member in years!
yesterday i went to my moms to get some of my stuff out of her garage so i could put it in storage.
i walked right into the snake pit.
I know what you mean. When I first did my fade, and ran into people, they were always checking out my tummy ( I gained a little weight, so of course, I must be pregnant) or asking me all sorts of questions like, "what's wrong? " and saying things like "I thought you were smarter than this". I just wanted to kick them. As a matter of fact, at my Dad's funeral (and he was DEFINITELY not a witness) one older lady, she's like in her 80's or something, actually came through the receiving line and told me "Now you know you need to do better". I was mournng my father, and pregnant, and did not feel like that line of crap, so I pushed her out of my face. Literally. My husband caught her, and was just shocked at me. I laugh about it now, I bet she doesn't talk crap to me again anytime soon
Mary Ann Seward from Central New York
by LDH indo any of you guys know mary ann?
sometimes we forget that there really are a lot of good people trapped in that sham organization.
mary ann is one of those people.
Hi, Lisa,
What a wonderful story. Mary Ann is obviously a true believer, and a really nice person. I feel that way about most of my family, they are really truly dedicated, nice, and above most, FUN. Even though they are still in the borg, I have more fun with them than I do with anyone else. I certainly hope Mary Ann has the same fond memories of you.
I also want to say, I really enjoy your posts. You have a great insight, and we share many of the same views. I hope we can get to be friends.
JWs in pop culture
by jackal inhey,.
i'm new to this board.
i'ts nice to be able to jump into an ongoing discussion among like-minded people.
I know Ja Rule was raised a witness. I've always wondered about JZ, but haven't been able to find anything about it.
Blair: Saddam Will Be Disarmed Whatever It Takes.
by Englishman inas reported on sky news, this from the pm's news conference some 45 minutes ago:blair firm on iraqthe prime minister says he passionately believes saddam hussein must be disarmed of weapons of mass destruction.
he said britain must show rogue states "that when we say we intend to deal with the issue of weapons of mass destruction, we mean it".
mr blair, giving his monthly downing street news conference, said there was still time for the iraqi dictator to give up his weapons programmes.. but if he did not, he would have to be disarmed by force.. "i know and understand the concerns that people have," mr blair said.
Thanks for the education, JH and Crazy151. This board is so educational!! I learn far more here than I ever did at the Hall.