IMHO, this is a form of abuse, or neglect, and it should be the law that parents cannot deny their child life saving treatment for any reason.
Happyout (muttering under her breath "murdering, idiotic child killers!")
wednesday may 21 2003
three guilty in exorcism man died in january, 2002: for six days, parents tied up son, prayed for him
francine dube
IMHO, this is a form of abuse, or neglect, and it should be the law that parents cannot deny their child life saving treatment for any reason.
Happyout (muttering under her breath "murdering, idiotic child killers!")
if you click on the pic you will go to fotooic and can see an enlarged clearer image.
my sister was given this pic by my granny's sister.
we had no pictures of my great gm and gp cause granny's house burned down.
Sheila, How beautiful! It must be wonderful to have those pictures showing your family tree. Treasure them!!!
helpful tips for everyday life
helpful hint #1
I would read some of those books
And shouldn't helpful hint #5 be whizzing in the bathtub? I would think the sink is too high up
Happyout (who loves sick humor as much as the next girl)
Congratulations to the top three! I thought they all did a great job, and are headed towards strong careers. As for Reuben's ability to get through a concert, I think that wil come with time. I attended a number of Luther Vandross' concerts when he was in his overweight stage, and he did a great job, so it can be done. I heard on a news report that Josh was on his base, and could not come to the event. I guess that was bound to happen at some point.
what, no anointed sisters on the gb?.
ok, i just used that question to get the ladies responses.. this week's news coverage had to do with a annika sorensen, a professional female golfer competing in a men's golf tournament.
according to the no spin zone o'reilly show, the majority of the people gave a thumbs down for a woman to compete in a man's tournament.
I understand Ana was invited, but it still opens the door to the question of whether she should have accepted. I just don't see the fairness in having a woman compete in man's event when there would be a brouhaha if a man were invited to compete at a woman's event. That's my opinion, and I respect that we disagree. However, you are right, your original questions were about the GB. I thought I had addressed my idea on that, the NWT was "translated" by dubs to reflect their beliefs. Since it so obviously shows women in a subservient position, it would be difficult, if not impossible for the GB to now turn around and allow women even if they wanted to. Interestingly, I think Furple Carr's book may have had some effect on them finally naming a black member, along with the fact that the Mormon church finally started accepting blacks as ministers, or whatever terminology they use, and the WTS had to at least show some diversity in its upper ranks also.
I'm not sure what you mean by all the fuss, unless you are back to the Ana thing, and I think the fuss is some men are starting to feel intruded upon. Hard for me to say for sure, being a woman and all, but I notice a little resentment coming from the men in regards to women wanting to participate in all the same things.
Have a great night,
what, no anointed sisters on the gb?.
ok, i just used that question to get the ladies responses.. this week's news coverage had to do with a annika sorensen, a professional female golfer competing in a men's golf tournament.
according to the no spin zone o'reilly show, the majority of the people gave a thumbs down for a woman to compete in a man's tournament.
Yes, it is still a man's world, and it will be a long time before that changes. While I am female, I don't agree that "equality" should extend to mixed sporting events. Just the basic body build and mass of the majority of women makes this rather a silly thought. I would like to see more women's sports on TV, and pumped like the men's sports. Given that there are so many females who are now active in sports, I really believe the audience is there. Having a women compete, as in the upcoming Colonial event, with a bunch of men attracts an audience, but is not a true level field.
As for the WTS not allowing women to address the congregation via talks (are they still called the number 1 and 4 talks in the school?), well that's typical. When your Bible has been translated to fit your beliefs, it makes it really difficult later in the century to go back and change things.
who uses my own email address to send me very strange e-cards.......... check this out!.
should i be worried?.
Every woman should be on guard at all times. If you can ignore the messages (in other words, don't open them) and be extra cautious when going out alone, I think you'll be ok. BUT, don't be afraid to ask your local police department if there have been any incidents in your area that started like this, and if you should be concerned. A long time ago, this kind of thing was cute, but depending on how long it goes on, the frequency of contact, and the weirdness of contact, it could be a bad thing. Just be careful.
Happyout (who wants you to be ok)
i thought reuben was superb on all 3 of his songs; clay sang the best only on his 3rd song.
just because clay sang a great final few notes on his 3rd song, doesn't mean he deserves to be american idol.. my best friend and i hope reuben wins, but believe clay will get more votes.. earlier today i heard bleach-blond frenchie who got booted off for her topless photos sing on a morning show...she would have blown the competition out of the water!
I thought it was interesting that all of the ousted finalists seemed to say Ruben would win, didn't you? At least, that's what I recall. There's an article on CNN that says Simon was really concerned last week at rehearsals because Kimberly was outsinging Ruben, and Simon wanted Ruben to be in the top 2. Sure enough, he was. Cynic that I am, I always wonder if there is some kind of control being exerted so that the person the judges prefer most get the farthest, but then you have some weird upset like last year when Tamyra was booted that kind of disprove that thought.
They are both destined for at least some measure of success, so good luck to them both!
Happyout (who still really loves Mulan)
edited by Happyout to correct spelling
my mom in yet another attempt to strengthen me, has decided to send me the daily text.
today's was especially repulsive.
just thought i would share.
NO NO NO (puts hands over mouth and runs to the toilet to throw up)
i thought reuben was superb on all 3 of his songs; clay sang the best only on his 3rd song.
just because clay sang a great final few notes on his 3rd song, doesn't mean he deserves to be american idol.. my best friend and i hope reuben wins, but believe clay will get more votes.. earlier today i heard bleach-blond frenchie who got booted off for her topless photos sing on a morning show...she would have blown the competition out of the water!
Based on the polls on some websites, I would say Clay is a lock, but I like Ruben as a pop artist much better. Mulan, for the first time you and I disagree, I LOVED Ruben's version of Imagine. It's one of my favorite songs, and I usually hate people to sing it, but I thought he brought a fresh perspective and vocal take on it. That's it, we're not friends no more (poking out bottom lip ).
I also caught the Dateline edition last night where Paula Abdul admitted she had been bulimic, and also had three discs in her back that had to be operated on. She experienced partial paralysis, and a great deal of pain. Her most recent operation was only two months before the debut of the first season of American Idol. Interesting stuff.
Reborn2002, even though I am a fan of the show, I agree that the overkill is out of hand. I didn't bother watching Monday's episode, and I will certainly not be glued tonight for the entire two hours. I guess for once the WTS is right, when they encourage "moderation" (laughs hysterically at the thought of the WTS being right)