CONGRATULATIONS, and best wishes in your new life together Jes and PR.
so i get up this morning, usual time, slog through the shower and come out to the living room yawning.
there on my sofa are jesika and pr_capone, grinning like two little kids.. guess what!!!!!!!
they're getting married!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS, and best wishes in your new life together Jes and PR.
the bibles viewpoint.
does god change?.
anthropologist george dorsey described the god of the "old testament" as "a savage god.
A comedian once joked that the God in the New Testament was running for re-election.
How apropos.
now be honest, at what age does a person start to masturbate?
read the link and you will be surprised.
answer that question in your mind first and after, read this link below.. .
I think the issue here is the word Masturbate, which implies a lot of intent that an 18 month old could not have. I think exploring their genitals is a much better way of thinking of it, because that's really what they are doing. Yes, it feels good, but to a child so does putting random things they pick up off the floor. Sexual pleasure is far more advanced with regards to motive than I think a toddler can comprehend. My son touches himself, but he doesn't do it in a manner that appears to be giving him pleasure, he appears to be experimenting with what his penis will do. Actually, he is usually looking at it to see if "pee pees" will come out of it lol.
Maybe I am uncomfortable with using the word masturbate in regards to young children because it seems like the sort of thing a pedophile would say to justify getting pleasure from a young child. Maybe I am just too puritanical about certain words, and I can definitely blame my JW upbringing if that's the case
Just my opinion.
president george bush "god told me to strike at al qaeda and i struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at saddam, which i did, and now i am determined to solve the problem in the middle east.
god is now talking to george bush?
is this similar to judge joe's voices that he heard?.
LOL at SixofNine!!!
mine is......(and this from a woman who will probably not notice the big a when it happens) .
i can find four leaf clovers anywhere, anytime...i never even really look.
just walking down the street, i'll look at the lawn and see one.
Hey, Asleif, I think understanding cats is about the coolest thing I've heard in years!
I can:
curl my tongue
wiggle my ears
flex my nose
raise one eyebrow
mine is the old "everything happens for a reason".
when i lost my daughter, i heard this so many times, i seriously thought i was going to punch the next freakin' idiot who said it.
it's just ridiculous.. i also hate the variation "god does everything for a reason".. happyout (whose teeth are still set on edge when she hears that)
I just thought of another one my mother in law always says "things will work themselves out" This is the cop out she used when she wasn't working, or looking for work, but taking money from my husband (and me). It's also what she says when something needs to be done that is unpleasant, and she doesn't want to do it.
i have been wandering around the board for a while now, and have decided it is time to contribute a bit of my history.
i have described my involvement with the witnesses as being from the outside looking in.
my sweet honey has been trying for two years to get reinstated.
What a wonderful and courageous story! Your live, while difficult in many areas, has also had wonderful blessings. Your daughter, grand-daughter and son in law make a beautiful family.
If you could give us a little update on your son, it would be greatly appreciated. My heart and good vibes go out to you and him (and your honey, too).
Happyout (thanking Big Tex for reviving such a wonderful thread)
my mother was addicted to prescription drugs, mostly pain pills and muscle relaxers.
it was very hard growing up with a parent like that.
i remember being 5 and having to do all the washing of the dishes, folding clothes and watching my baby sister.
It was in one of these meetings that I learned the word "enabler". It describes my mom, and me to a T. I did not realize how much we were enabling my dad to continue with his chemical abuse. He always had a home to come back to, food to eat, and a family that would pretend everything was normal. I didn't know how much of that I had absorbed until I started looking at some of my relationships, and how I took responsibility for everything, and always tried to smooth things over for everyone. I still do that (although now I know to think things through before I spend money or time on others).
I hope we are all heading towards healing, it is a journey, not a destination.
man gets life in prison for spitting
wednesday, july 2, 2003 posted: 3:16 pm edt (1916 gmt).
story tools
I agree that this guy should be locked up for a long time, what I don't agree with is the way the sentence was given. He should have gotten a lot more time for domestic violence than spitting on a police officer, especially since he did NOT have any communicable diseases. Now, if he had been found to have HIV or HepC, then, sure, they could charge him with a higher crime and give him a longer sentence, but as it stands, it's insulting to the woman he beat up.
mine is the old "everything happens for a reason".
when i lost my daughter, i heard this so many times, i seriously thought i was going to punch the next freakin' idiot who said it.
it's just ridiculous.. i also hate the variation "god does everything for a reason".. happyout (whose teeth are still set on edge when she hears that)
Mine is the old "everything happens for a reason". When I lost my daughter, I heard this so many times, I seriously thought I was going to punch the next freakin' idiot who said it. It's just ridiculous.
I also hate the variation "God does everything for a reason".
Happyout (whose teeth are still set on edge when she hears that)