i had an idea that i could build a uk map of everyones location which would show you instantly who is in your area from jwd.. (it might be an idea to do a seperate us one aswell but i'll wait and see if this one takes off first, or if anyone from the us wants to volunteer to do that one).
(and australia but you are all in the same backyard anyway - literally!!!).
anyway, all you have to do is post or email me your username and town and i will draw you on the map above which will change gradually to include everyone!.
i stumbled upon this web site...it may bring back memories for those who spent time at bethel and it is very revealing to those of us who never visited or lived there.
the link above is the main site.. the link below is the bethel visit...lots of pics.
i stumbled upon this web site...it may bring back memories for those who spent time at bethel and it is very revealing to those of us who never visited or lived there.
the link above is the main site.. the link below is the bethel visit...lots of pics.
Well I went there too and that was the beginning of the end for me. It certainly brought back some memories but kinda depressed me aswell. How cheesy is their site, makes you kinda feel sorry for them dont it, and I noticed there was a kid in the group pic !? poor lad, he is going to grow up a witness and probably have to have extra special "bible discussion time" with uncle fred who is 62 and feels the need for a fresh young lad on his knee !
Grrrr they make me so mad, what a waste of nice office space, maybe the us government should move em all out and put the surviving companies of WTC into the nice offices, they deserve it more !
i have been looking through the site and noticed that a lot of you have had trouble with the witnesses since leaving.
i know when i was on the way out they wanted to meet up with me about half a dozen times, and i had various phone calls to try and stop me but since then i have not heard any more from them.
although i must admit there are still a couple who keep in touch with me via e mail and they let me know what is going on in the cong.
So whats this letter ? I wanna know more. Perhaps we should set up another topic "What to do when the witnesses call".
The trouble with them is that you have to get them in such a way that will work, I recall going out in field service when I too was brainwashed and when you encountered someone who was abusive you would walk away thinking "Oh what a shame, but oh well they too will die at armageddon" (can you believe we actually thought that !)
maybe another suggestion is take the mags and ask them back (Oh how excited they would be), wipe your arse on them and then give them back next week and thank them............or is that too crude !
if you r a faithful jw and u have gay feelings, u r not alone and u can get help and support from faithful jws who r struggling like u. please email me at [email protected]
Well I hope the above was not being anti gay ! I am sure there is no place for that in a forum for friends that are helping each other out of a rough time with the witnesses !
Thanks for the comment in return though and you could not of said it better and you too ocw.
i have been looking through the site and noticed that a lot of you have had trouble with the witnesses since leaving.
i know when i was on the way out they wanted to meet up with me about half a dozen times, and i had various phone calls to try and stop me but since then i have not heard any more from them.
although i must admit there are still a couple who keep in touch with me via e mail and they let me know what is going on in the cong.
That sounds like a great idea, well since leaving I have lost like loads of weight, got very short hair, wear contacts rather than glasses and have a short goatee so they don tend to recognise me, BUT the thought of going straight up to the is too perfect to miss. I bet they have the best look on their faces.
You do realise though that they probably all talk about you at the meetings as if you are completely mad and are making their lives so difficult.
I cant wait for the day when they call on my door with the mags, they dont know where I live now, I am going to take them, tell them to wait, then go and get a lighter, walk back out, stand on the drive in front of them and light the magazines, then hand them back alight.
if you r a faithful jw and u have gay feelings, u r not alone and u can get help and support from faithful jws who r struggling like u. please email me at [email protected]
1. having to sit through 3 of them a week, year after year after year.. 2. talking to the same old faces after every meeting, year after year after year.. 3. tolerating nerdy speakers, often with irritating speech and nasal habits.
many over-emphasing and spending an excessive amount of time on some pet insignificant point and glossing over main points.. 4. quietly fuming at speakers going over time on the service meeting when one is tired and cranky and dying to get home.. 5. cold, draughty kingdom halls with the crudest and cheapest heating and airconditioning installed, if any at all.. 6. attendants (beagles) who go opening up all the windows at half time, or sooner, when it's chilly outside and everyone was just starting to feel comfortable.. 7. feeling guilty cause i never bothered to stay behind to vacuum, dust, or clean the bog when it was our bookstudy's turn.. 8. screaming brats, babies, and fidgety obnoxious kids who squirm, move, whinge, and kick my chair through the entire meeting.. 9. people constancy whispering and talking to each other thru the meeting.. 10. twerps who habitually turn up 10 minutes late every meeting and insist on sitting up the front.. 11. being bored witless with watchtower studies on some dull, dry, doctrinal subject, or some touchy feely, lovey-dovey, emotional subject.
counting the paragraphs to see how much torture remains before escaping back home.
Your not telling me DS called it off with A because she wasnt spiritual - I cant see that, we know he is Gay and he was just after a greencard from her. I reckon she dumped him and he was trying to save face! or she refused to stay in america and said she would move to England ha ha, what a kick up the crotch for him !
Your not telling me DS called it off with A because she wasnt spiritual - I cant see that, we know he is Gay and he was just after a greencard from her. I reckon she dumped him and he was trying to save face! or she refused to stay in america and said she would move to England ha ha, what a kick up the crotch for him !