Topics Started by Happy
Few questions
by Happy ini recently "applied" for an account at jehovah's witnesses on the web, that msn group.
but of course they have a bunch of questions so that they are not troubled by evil apostates.
i have no intention of causing trouble, but i would like to lurk around, just to keep up to date.
online WT & Awake?
by Tyler_Durden inhey guys.
anyone know of a website that has transcripts of the latest wt & awake?.
i've searched relevant sites and found nothing .
Birthday List
by nicolaou inc'mon guys, we can celebrate our birthdays!!!.
post your birthdate here and let us know how you want to get your 'birthday card' (email, post on the board, text message, soaped-up kyliegram!).
my birthday is october 16th and i'd be happy to receive any of the above.. .
Everyones Favorite Painting
by gsx1138 in.
this thing still creeps me out.
Memorial Question
by Happy ini have a question about memorial.
it is the same date everywhere, right?
(actually 2 questions i guess) and if i'm not mistaken it's open to us evil worldy ones right?
I Need A Witty Caption, WT Pic
by jgnat inplease forgive the poor quality of the shot.
this pic tickled my funnybone.
in case you can not see it clearly, every brother and sister around this table, bethelites all, has a toothy grin as they gleefully study the day's bible text.. i need a better caption than the one supplied.
Minority Report
by heathen injust rented that one last night .
this is a very cool movie with tom cruise .
personally i thought it maybe his best film yet.
some old wise sayings
by heathen ini thought it might be interesting to see how much of the worldly wisdom we have aquired .there are alot of quaint sayings that go way back in time here are some of my favorites to give an example - an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure , a bird in the hand is better than 2 in the bush ,what's good for the goose is good for the gander .feel free to add your favs .