I was just thinking about all of the countless faithful JWs (some of us) who were tortured, raped, beaten, abused for not signing a loyalty card or not saluting flag, etc. I was just thinking about all of the JWs (some of our family) who died not taking a blood transfusions. I was just thinking about the endless numbers of JWs (so many of us) who made life-altering decisions to not take a job, leave family behind, not take higher education, volunteer countless hours door-to-door-to-door, and made substantial personal sacrifices, to stand up for the Jehovah and his Organization. I was thinking about many of us who never got to say "goodbye" to our loved ones. Many of us and others did it all without a second thought and were honored to do so...
Geoffrey Jackson had to be asked to take a minute of his busy schedule to set matters straight. His main excuse for not attending is "compassionate care" to his father who is ill.
I think I will reserve my compassion to the endless number of JWs who laid down on the road before him.