on my way ;)
i know its been awhile...i dont have to much to say right now.im at a loss for words..im dissfellowshipped now..the announcement will be in 2 weeks.i just need some support..
on my way ;)
i know its been awhile...i dont have to much to say right now.im at a loss for words..im dissfellowshipped now..the announcement will be in 2 weeks.i just need some support..
:::smile::: I was worried, Shy, I'm glad to see your post. Are you doing okay? Do you need or even just want to chat?
Let me know,
i know its been awhile...i dont have to much to say right now.im at a loss for words..im dissfellowshipped now..the announcement will be in 2 weeks.i just need some support..
Hi, Shy,
I've often wondered how you were faring... I'm not happy to find out about it this way.
Do you remember the cousins we talked about? The ones you're close to that aren't witnesses? Is there any way you can stay with them through this?
Just remember there are options, always remember there are options.
If you need to talk let me know here and I'll pop into chat with you... or you can email me at [email protected]
i knew this was coming.
mom's been going back to the kingdom hall for about a year now, and i figured that, much like my father, i would have to cut off all contact with her at some point.
it looks like now might be that time.
Hey Silent Lambs - when dad was raping you, it's just cuz' he had you're best interests at heart! Keep it quiet and forget about it. And if you've never been a parent you don't understand SMILEY FACE SMILEY FACE !!
That was terribly uncalled for not and not what anyone here said. Jackie
once, i attended another message board for awhile, a few years ago.
i did not post a lot, as that boards topic did not interest me much and i could just read and enjoy the conversation without interaction.
while there, i witnessed what can only be described as, "the worse thing i have ever seen on a message board.".
Oh my god, Smyler, that was a horrible chat log to read. What is wrong with people? Cheering him on, daring him to do more? Really, it was a devastating thing to read.
i'll tell what i got on the other thread later, but i'd like to know what you all gave this year.
i gave my oldest son a set of chinese exercise balls in a beautiful silk box.
he needs to relax!!.
I have *so* much fun picking out presents for my family and knowing it's something they'll love. Let's see...
Grandma: A double fleece tied blanket I made for her as shown below
Grandpa: 6 solar lights to line the driveway with
Both Grandma and Grandpa: A silver cross centered with an amethyst that hangs on a stand.
Mom: A fiberoptic 4 ft. Santa Clause that she wanted and a DVD.
Step-dad: A gift certificate for a round of golf (cart included) at the nicest course in the area.
Brother: DVD player and 4 DVDs.
Other Brother: Homer Simpson dressed as Santa that you press a button and he sings carols.
Sister-in-law: A double fleece tied throw similar to the one for my grandma, but with a Winnie the Pooh print.
Brother and Sister-in-law: DVD player and outdoor Christmas decorations.
Oldest niece: Large doll head and shoulders that you can style the hair on and apply make-up, 3-D gel markers, 2 hand-held games (both supposed to help in math where she's struggling), a bottle of 'A Gazillion Bubbles', a book called 'Auntie Clause', a spray art temporary tatoo thingy, a computer game that will also help with her math, and 2 other things I can't think of off the top of my head.
Nephew: Sock-n-bop toy, electronic toy that tells you about dinosaurs (which he loves), sled, 3-D gel markers, a bottle of 'A Gazilion Bubbles', a drum set (my brother is thrilled lol), a Scooby Doo book where some of the words are replaced with picture so he can help you read the story, and 3 other things I can't think of off the top of my head.
Youngest niece: An elephant seat just her size that makes elephant sounds when you press it's ear, a Leapfrog learning drum, a music set, a touch-n-feel book, a shape sorter that plays music when you get a shape through the right hole, a circus train type of thing that makes noise and such when you pull it, a stuffed Simba doll (from the Lion King) that talks to you and wags it's tail (she was entranced with it when we were walking through the toy store even though it's really too old for her), a building block bee that you can take apart and then it lights up when you put it back together correctly, and 2 other things I can't think of off the top of my head.
My cousin whose name I drew: The director's cut special edition of True Romance unedited on DVD.
All my single cousins and all my married cousins' kids: The cutest stuffed monkeys that have velcro on their hands so you can hang them around your neck or elsewhere ;)
It was a lot of fun seeing everyone open their presents.
Happy Holidays, everyone,
i am new...will try to keep this short and to the point.
up until then, there was a bookstudy held in my home.
i live with my jw aunt and cousin (more like "orthodox" jw if there was an official distinction) as well as my non-jw mother and brother with whom i am very close.
Are you trying to be a witness again?
If not I wouldn't consider their meetings when making any decisions. You live there, if you call in sick and want to stay home it doesn't matter that it annoys them, it's *your* home.
If you are trying to be a witness again then you have to play by their rules.
Depends what you want in your life, really.
i've already exited the jws in mind and heart, and have read many comments from everyone about the book, so didn't really see the need to buy it for myself.
however, after reading something here on the forum, i decided to order it (and the tao of pooh and siddhartha.
) a super-dub sits two desks away from (she and her husband knew ray and his wife, had tea with them in their room when he was on the gb, etc.
Get a P.O. box.
ok, this has probably been done before and i missed it, but i want to know what your member names mean.
is there a special story behind your online handle?
mine is pretty self evident.
Mine was chosen to represent strength, mystery, power, and beauty.
since being allowed to celebrate christmas my family and i have been making traditions for ourselves.
one of the things we do every year is see the trans-siberian orchestra when their christmas show comes through.
for those of you not familiar with it... a lot of it is classical music played on electric guitars and electric violins... some of it is original... and most, if not all, is very good.
I listen to their CD's when I decorate, too ;)
Have you ever looked through the lyrics in your CD? They actually have the story between the lyrics in the booklet that the narrator tells. It's not the same as being there, but one day if you have a chance read the lyrics in the proper place while listening to the CD, it's really a neat little story.