I know its Been awhile...i dont have to much to say right now.im at a loss for words..im dissfellowshipped now..the announcement will be in 2 weeks.i just need some support..
im very upset
by Shytears 48 Replies latest jw friends
Hello Shytears,
I'm sorry to hear that you're going through rough times. Do you have family in? My thoughts are with you.
Shytears, welcome back! And I'm so sorry you've had the rug pulled out from under you Please let us know what's going on. And do take care of yourself! Reach out to all your friends, especially here and outside the KH.
Shy Tears,
I hope you have someone there you can confide in and turn to for help. Meanwhile, know that there are plenty of us in your shoes and we can offer you fellow feeling as well other kinds of support. It's very sad that any of us got mixed up with people who love us so conditionally. There is a lot of unconditional love in this world. 99% of it is outside the org. You will find plenty of it if you look in the right places. Please keep coming here and reading and posting. If you haven't yet read Crisis Of Conscience then you should. It will open your eyes and make you feel much better.
Take care and keep us informed. I'd give you a hug if I could.
(((((Shytears.))))))) To abuse someone as young as you for shunning makes my blood boil. It's wrong!!! It's not you, it's them. I'm so sorry. We're all here for you.
Only another, what, 5mo. 'til your 18? We'll be counting down the days with you.
Hi, Shy,
I've often wondered how you were faring... I'm not happy to find out about it this way.
Do you remember the cousins we talked about? The ones you're close to that aren't witnesses? Is there any way you can stay with them through this?
Just remember there are options, always remember there are options.
If you need to talk let me know here and I'll pop into chat with you... or you can email me at [email protected]
I'm so very sorry to hear this. You have our support...
got my forty homey?
The initial shock of being DF'd will hurt and be confusing. Many of your friends won't be speaking to you anymore, you may have some feelings of trying to get reinstated, but in the long run, you'll probably be relieved it happened as testified to by many on this board.
Hang in there, I know it is a rough time. Please keep us informed on how you are doing and if you need to vent or need help we're here.
heh, well my mom just found all my studies that shows the real truth about the troof. so i'm kinda in the same boat. i'm there w/ ya mayne. go team!